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compat-27.el (30003B)

      1 ;;; compat-27.el --- Compatibility Layer for Emacs 27.1  -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
      3 ;; Copyright (C) 2021-2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
      5 ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
      6 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
      7 ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
      8 ;; (at your option) any later version.
     10 ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
     11 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
     13 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
     15 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
     16 ;; along with this program.  If not, see <>.
     18 ;;; Commentary:
     20 ;; Find here the functionality added in Emacs 27.1, needed by older
     21 ;; versions.
     23 ;;; Code:
     25 (eval-when-compile (load "compat-macs.el" nil t t))
     26 (compat-declare-version "27.1")
     28 ;;;; Defined in fns.c
     30 (compat-defun proper-list-p (object) ;; <OK>
     31   "Return OBJECT's length if it is a proper list, nil otherwise.
     32 A proper list is neither circular nor dotted (i.e., its last cdr
     33 is nil)."
     34   :min-version "26" ;; Errors on 26.1 and newer
     35   (and (listp object) (ignore-errors (length object))))
     37 (compat-defun proper-list-p (object) ;; <OK>
     38   "Return OBJECT's length if it is a proper list, nil otherwise.
     39 A proper list is neither circular nor dotted (i.e., its last cdr
     40 is nil)."
     41   :max-version "26" ;; On older Emacs than 26.1 use Tortoise and Hare algorithm
     42   (when (listp object)
     43     (catch 'cycle
     44       (let ((hare object) (tortoise object)
     45             (max 2) (q 2))
     46         (while (consp hare)
     47           (setq hare (cdr hare))
     48           (when (and (or (/= 0 (setq q (1- q)))
     49                          (ignore
     50                           (setq max (ash max 1)
     51                                 q max
     52                                 tortoise hare)))
     53                      (eq hare tortoise))
     54             (throw 'cycle nil)))
     55         (and (null hare) (length object))))))
     57 (compat-defun string-distance (string1 string2 &optional bytecompare) ;; <OK>
     58   "Return Levenshtein distance between STRING1 and STRING2.
     59 The distance is the number of deletions, insertions, and substitutions
     60 required to transform STRING1 into STRING2.
     61 If BYTECOMPARE is nil or omitted, compute distance in terms of characters.
     62 If BYTECOMPARE is non-nil, compute distance in terms of bytes.
     63 Letter-case is significant, but text properties are ignored."
     64   ;;
     65   (let ((s1 (if bytecompare
     66                 (encode-coding-string string1 'raw-text)
     67               (concat string1 "")))
     68         (s2 (if bytecompare
     69                 (encode-coding-string string2 'raw-text)
     70               string2)))
     71     (let* ((len1 (length s1))
     72            (len2 (length s2))
     73            (column (make-vector (1+ len1) 0)))
     74       (dotimes (y len1)
     75         (setf (aref column (1+ y)) y))
     76       (dotimes (x len2)
     77         (setf (aref column 0) (1+ x))
     78         (let ((lastdiag x) olddiag)
     79           (dotimes (y len1)
     80             (setf olddiag (aref column (1+ y))
     81                   (aref column (1+ y))
     82                   (min (+ (if (= (aref s1 y) (aref s2 x)) 0 1)
     83                           lastdiag)
     84                        (1+ (aref column (1+ y)))
     85                        (1+ (aref column y)))
     86                   lastdiag olddiag))))
     87       (aref column len1))))
     89 ;;;; Defined in window.c
     91 (compat-defun recenter (&optional arg redisplay) ;; <OK>
     92   "Handle optional argument REDISPLAY."
     93   :explicit t
     94   (recenter arg)
     95   (when (and redisplay recenter-redisplay)
     96     (redisplay)))
     98 ;;;; Defined in keymap.c
    100 (compat-defun lookup-key (keymap key &optional accept-default) ;; <OK>
    101   "Allow for KEYMAP to be a list of keymaps."
    102   :explicit t
    103   (cond
    104    ((keymapp keymap)
    105     (lookup-key keymap key accept-default))
    106    ((listp keymap)
    107     (catch 'found
    108       (dolist (map keymap)
    109         (let ((fn (lookup-key map key accept-default)))
    110           (when fn (throw 'found fn))))))
    111    ((signal 'wrong-type-argument (list 'keymapp keymap)))))
    113 ;;;; Defined in timefns.c
    115 (compat-defun time-equal-p (t1 t2) ;; <OK>
    116   "Return non-nil if time value T1 is equal to time value T2.
    117 A nil value for either argument stands for the current time.
    119 NOTE: This function is not as accurate as the actual `time-equal-p'."
    120   (cond
    121    ((eq t1 t2))
    122    ((and (consp t1) (consp t2))
    123     (equal t1 t2))
    124    (t
    125     ;; Due to inaccuracies and the relatively slow evaluating of
    126     ;; Emacs Lisp compared to C, we allow for slight inaccuracies
    127     ;; (less than a millisecond) when comparing time values.
    128     (< (abs (- (float-time t1) (float-time t2)))
    129        (if (and t1 t2) 1e-6 1e-5)))))
    131 ;;;; Defined in fileio.c
    133 (compat-defun file-name-absolute-p (filename) ;; <OK>
    134   "Return t if FILENAME is an absolute file name.
    135 On Unix, absolute file names start with `/'.  In Emacs, an absolute
    136 file name can also start with an initial `~' or `~USER' component,
    137 where USER is a valid login name."
    138   ;; See definitions in filename.h
    139   (let ((drive
    140          (eval-when-compile
    141            (cond
    142             ((memq system-type '(windows-nt ms-dos))
    143              "\\`[A-Za-z]:[\\/]")
    144             ((eq system-type 'cygwin)
    145              "\\`\\([\\/]\\|[A-Za-z]:\\)")
    146             ("\\`/"))))
    147         (home
    148          (eval-when-compile
    149            (if (memq system-type '(cygwin windows-nt ms-dos))
    150                "\\`~[\\/]" "\\`~/")))
    151         (user-home
    152          (eval-when-compile
    153            (format "\\`\\(~.*?\\)\\(%s.*\\)?$"
    154                    (if (memq system-type '(cygwin windows-nt ms-dos))
    155                        "[\\/]" "/")))))
    156     (or (and (string-match-p drive filename) t)
    157         (and (string-match-p home filename) t)
    158         (save-excursion
    159           (when (string-match user-home filename)
    160             (let ((init (match-string 1 filename)))
    161               (not (string=
    162                     (file-name-base (expand-file-name init))
    163                     init))))))))
    165 ;;;; Defined in subr.el
    167 (compat-defmacro setq-local (&rest pairs) ;; <OK>
    168   "Handle multiple assignments."
    169   :explicit t
    170   (unless (zerop (mod (length pairs) 2))
    171     (error "PAIRS must have an even number of variable/value members"))
    172   (let (body)
    173     (while pairs
    174       (let* ((sym (pop pairs))
    175              (val (pop pairs)))
    176         (unless (symbolp sym)
    177           (error "Attempting to set a non-symbol: %s" (car pairs)))
    178         (push `(set (make-local-variable ',sym) ,val)
    179               body)))
    180     (cons 'progn (nreverse body))))
    182 (compat-defun provided-mode-derived-p (mode &rest modes) ;; <OK>
    183   "Non-nil if MODE is derived from one of MODES.
    184 Uses the `derived-mode-parent' property of the symbol to trace backwards.
    185 If you just want to check `major-mode', use `derived-mode-p'."
    186   ;; If MODE is an alias, then look up the real mode function first.
    187   (let ((alias (symbol-function mode)))
    188     (when (and alias (symbolp alias))
    189       (setq mode alias)))
    190   (while
    191       (and
    192        (not (memq mode modes))
    193        (let* ((parent (get mode 'derived-mode-parent))
    194               (parentfn (symbol-function parent)))
    195          (setq mode (if (and parentfn (symbolp parentfn)) parentfn parent)))))
    196   mode)
    198 (compat-defun derived-mode-p (&rest modes) ;; <OK>
    199   "Non-nil if the current major mode is derived from one of MODES.
    200 Uses the `derived-mode-parent' property of the symbol to trace backwards."
    201   (apply #'provided-mode-derived-p major-mode modes))
    203 (compat-defmacro ignore-error (condition &rest body) ;; <OK>
    204   "Execute BODY; if the error CONDITION occurs, return nil.
    205 Otherwise, return result of last form in BODY.
    207 CONDITION can also be a list of error conditions."
    208   (declare (debug t) (indent 1))
    209   `(condition-case nil (progn ,@body) (,condition nil)))
    211 (compat-defmacro dolist-with-progress-reporter (spec reporter-or-message &rest body) ;; <UNTESTED>
    212   "Loop over a list and report progress in the echo area.
    213 Evaluate BODY with VAR bound to each car from LIST, in turn.
    214 Then evaluate RESULT to get return value, default nil.
    216 REPORTER-OR-MESSAGE is a progress reporter object or a string.  In the latter
    217 case, use this string to create a progress reporter.
    219 At each iteration, print the reporter message followed by progress
    220 percentage in the echo area.  After the loop is finished,
    221 print the reporter message followed by the word \"done\".
    224   (declare (indent 2) (debug ((symbolp form &optional form) form body)))
    225   (let ((prep (make-symbol "--dolist-progress-reporter--"))
    226         (count (make-symbol "--dolist-count--"))
    227         (list (make-symbol "--dolist-list--")))
    228     `(let ((,prep ,reporter-or-message)
    229            (,count 0)
    230            (,list ,(cadr spec)))
    231        (when (stringp ,prep)
    232          (setq ,prep (make-progress-reporter ,prep 0 (length ,list))))
    233        (dolist (,(car spec) ,list)
    234          ,@body
    235          (progress-reporter-update ,prep (setq ,count (1+ ,count))))
    236        (progress-reporter-done ,prep)
    237        (or ,@(cdr (cdr spec)) nil))))
    239 (compat-defun flatten-tree (tree) ;; <OK>
    240   "Return a \"flattened\" copy of TREE.
    241 In other words, return a list of the non-nil terminal nodes, or
    242 leaves, of the tree of cons cells rooted at TREE.  Leaves in the
    243 returned list are in the same order as in TREE.
    245 \(flatten-tree \\='(1 (2 . 3) nil (4 5 (6)) 7))
    246 => (1 2 3 4 5 6 7)"
    247   (let (elems)
    248     (while (consp tree)
    249       (let ((elem (pop tree)))
    250         (while (consp elem)
    251           (push (cdr elem) tree)
    252           (setq elem (car elem)))
    253         (if elem (push elem elems))))
    254     (if tree (push tree elems))
    255     (nreverse elems)))
    257 (compat-defun xor (cond1 cond2) ;; <OK>
    258   "Return the boolean exclusive-or of COND1 and COND2.
    259 If only one of the arguments is non-nil, return it; otherwise
    260 return nil."
    261   (declare (pure t) (side-effect-free error-free))
    262   (cond ((not cond1) cond2)
    263         ((not cond2) cond1)))
    265 (compat-defvar regexp-unmatchable "\\`a\\`" ;; <OK>
    266   "Standard regexp guaranteed not to match any string at all."
    267   :constant t)
    269 (compat-defun assoc-delete-all (key alist &optional test) ;; <OK>
    270   "Handle optional argument TEST."
    271   :explicit t
    272   (unless test (setq test #'equal))
    273   (while (and (consp (car alist))
    274               (funcall test (caar alist) key))
    275     (setq alist (cdr alist)))
    276   (let ((tail alist) tail-cdr)
    277     (while (setq tail-cdr (cdr tail))
    278       (if (and (consp (car tail-cdr))
    279                (funcall test (caar tail-cdr) key))
    280           (setcdr tail (cdr tail-cdr))
    281         (setq tail tail-cdr))))
    282   alist)
    284 ;;;; Defined in simple.el
    286 (compat-defun decoded-time-second (time) ;; <OK>
    287   "The seconds in TIME, which is a value returned by `decode-time'.
    288 This is an integer between 0 and 60 (inclusive).  (60 is a leap
    289 second, which only some operating systems support.)"
    290   (nth 0 time))
    292 (compat-defun decoded-time-minute (time) ;; <OK>
    293   "The minutes in TIME, which is a value returned by `decode-time'.
    294 This is an integer between 0 and 59 (inclusive)."
    295   (nth 1 time))
    297 (compat-defun decoded-time-hour (time) ;; <OK>
    298   "The hours in TIME, which is a value returned by `decode-time'.
    299 This is an integer between 0 and 23 (inclusive)."
    300   (nth 2 time))
    302 (compat-defun decoded-time-day (time) ;; <OK>
    303   "The day-of-the-month in TIME, which is a value returned by `decode-time'.
    304 This is an integer between 1 and 31 (inclusive)."
    305   (nth 3 time))
    307 (compat-defun decoded-time-month (time) ;; <OK>
    308   "The month in TIME, which is a value returned by `decode-time'.
    309 This is an integer between 1 and 12 (inclusive).  January is 1."
    310   (nth 4 time))
    312 (compat-defun decoded-time-year (time) ;; <OK>
    313   "The year in TIME, which is a value returned by `decode-time'.
    314 This is a four digit integer."
    315   (nth 5 time))
    317 (compat-defun decoded-time-weekday (time) ;; <OK>
    318   "The day-of-the-week in TIME, which is a value returned by `decode-time'.
    319 This is a number between 0 and 6, and 0 is Sunday."
    320   (nth 6 time))
    322 (compat-defun decoded-time-dst (time) ;; <OK>
    323   "The daylight saving time in TIME, which is a value returned by `decode-time'.
    324 This is t if daylight saving time is in effect, and nil if not."
    325   (nth 7 time))
    327 (compat-defun decoded-time-zone (time) ;; <OK>
    328   "The time zone in TIME, which is a value returned by `decode-time'.
    329 This is an integer indicating the UTC offset in seconds, i.e.,
    330 the number of seconds east of Greenwich."
    331   (nth 8 time))
    333 ;; TODO define gv-setters for decoded-time-*
    335 ;;;; Defined in image.el
    337 (compat-defun image--set-property (image property value) ;; <OK>
    338   "Set PROPERTY in IMAGE to VALUE.
    339 Internal use only."
    340   :explicit t
    341   :feature image
    342   (if (null value)
    343       (while (cdr image)
    344         (if (eq (cadr image) property)
    345             (setcdr image (cdddr image))
    346           (setq image (cddr image))))
    347     (setcdr image (plist-put (cdr image) property value)))
    348   value)
    350 (if (eval-when-compile (version< emacs-version "26.1"))
    351     (with-eval-after-load 'image
    352       (gv-define-simple-setter image-property image--set-property))
    353   ;; HACK: image--set-property was broken with an off-by-one error on Emacs 26.
    354   ;; The bug was fixed in a4ad7bed187493c1c230f223b52c71f5c34f7c89. Therefore we
    355   ;; override the gv expander until Emacs 27.1.
    356   (when (eval-when-compile (version< emacs-version "27.1"))
    357     (with-eval-after-load 'image
    358       (gv-define-simple-setter image-property compat--image--set-property))))
    360 ;;;; Defined in files.el
    362 (compat-defun file-size-human-readable (file-size &optional flavor space unit) ;; <OK>
    363   "Handle the optional arguments SPACE and UNIT.
    365 Optional third argument SPACE is a string put between the number and unit.
    366 It defaults to the empty string.  We recommend a single space or
    367 non-breaking space, unless other constraints prohibit a space in that
    368 position.
    370 Optional fourth argument UNIT is the unit to use.  It defaults to \"B\"
    371 when FLAVOR is `iec' and the empty string otherwise.  We recommend \"B\"
    372 in all cases, since that is the standard symbol for byte."
    373   :explicit t
    374   (let ((power (if (or (null flavor) (eq flavor 'iec))
    375                    1024.0
    376                  1000.0))
    377         (prefixes '("" "k" "M" "G" "T" "P" "E" "Z" "Y")))
    378     (while (and (>= file-size power) (cdr prefixes))
    379       (setq file-size (/ file-size power)
    380             prefixes (cdr prefixes)))
    381     (let* ((prefix (car prefixes))
    382            (prefixed-unit (if (eq flavor 'iec)
    383                               (concat
    384                                (if (string= prefix "k") "K" prefix)
    385                                (if (string= prefix "") "" "i")
    386                                (or unit "B"))
    387                             (concat prefix unit))))
    388       (format (if (and (>= (mod file-size 1.0) 0.05)
    389                        (< (mod file-size 1.0) 0.95))
    390                   "%.1f%s%s"
    391                 "%.0f%s%s")
    392               file-size
    393               (if (string= prefixed-unit "") "" (or space ""))
    394               prefixed-unit))))
    396 (compat-defun exec-path () ;; <UNTESTED>
    397   "Return list of directories to search programs to run in remote subprocesses.
    398 The remote host is identified by `default-directory'.  For remote
    399 hosts that do not support subprocesses, this returns nil.
    400 If `default-directory' is a local directory, this function returns
    401 the value of the variable `exec-path'."
    402   (cond
    403    ((let ((handler (find-file-name-handler default-directory 'exec-path)))
    404       ;; FIXME: The handler was added in 27.1, and this compatibility
    405       ;; function only applies to versions of Emacs before that.
    406       (when handler
    407         (condition-case nil
    408             (funcall handler 'exec-path)
    409           (error nil)))))
    410    ((file-remote-p default-directory)
    411     ;; TODO: This is not completely portable, even if "sh" and
    412     ;; "getconf" should be provided on every POSIX system, the chance
    413     ;; of this not working are greater than zero.
    414     ;;
    415     ;; FIXME: This invokes a shell process every time exec-path is
    416     ;; called.  It should instead be cached on a host-local basis.
    417     (with-temp-buffer
    418       (if (condition-case nil
    419               (zerop (process-file "sh" nil t nil "-c" "getconf PATH"))
    420             (file-missing t))
    421           (list "/bin" "/usr/bin")
    422         (let (path)
    423           (while (re-search-forward "\\([^:]+?\\)[\n:]" nil t)
    424             (push (match-string 1) path))
    425           (nreverse path)))))
    426    (exec-path)))
    428 (compat-defun executable-find (command &optional remote) ;; <UNTESTED>
    429   "Search for COMMAND in `exec-path' and return the absolute file name.
    430 Return nil if COMMAND is not found anywhere in `exec-path'.  If
    431 REMOTE is non-nil, search on the remote host indicated by
    432 `default-directory' instead."
    433   :explicit t
    434   (if (and remote (file-remote-p default-directory))
    435       (let ((res (locate-file
    436                   command
    437                   (mapcar
    438                    (apply-partially
    439                     #'concat (file-remote-p default-directory))
    440                    (exec-path))
    441                   exec-suffixes 'file-executable-p)))
    442         (when (stringp res) (file-local-name res)))
    443     (executable-find command)))
    445 (compat-defun make-empty-file (filename &optional parents) ;; <UNTESTED>
    446   "Create an empty file FILENAME.
    447 Optional arg PARENTS, if non-nil then creates parent dirs as needed."
    448   (when (and (file-exists-p filename) (null parents))
    449     (signal 'file-already-exists (list "File exists" filename)))
    450   (let ((paren-dir (file-name-directory filename)))
    451     (when (and paren-dir (not (file-exists-p paren-dir)))
    452       (make-directory paren-dir parents)))
    453   (write-region "" nil filename nil 0))
    455 ;;;; Defined in regexp-opt.el
    457 (compat-defun regexp-opt (strings &optional paren) ;; <OK>
    458   "Handle an empty list of STRINGS."
    459   :explicit t
    460   (if (null strings)
    461       (let ((re "\\`a\\`"))
    462         (cond ((null paren)
    463                (concat "\\(?:" re "\\)"))
    464               ((stringp paren)
    465                (concat paren re "\\)"))
    466               ((eq paren 'words)
    467                (concat "\\<\\(" re "\\)\\>"))
    468               ((eq paren 'symbols)
    469                (concat "\\_\\(<" re "\\)\\_>"))
    470               ((concat "\\(" re "\\)"))))
    471     (regexp-opt strings paren)))
    473 ;;;; Defined in package.el
    475 (declare-function lm-header "lisp-mnt")
    477 (compat-defun package-get-version () ;; <UNTESTED>
    478   "Return the version number of the package in which this is used.
    479 Assumes it is used from an Elisp file placed inside the top-level directory
    480 of an installed ELPA package.
    481 The return value is a string (or nil in case we can’t find it)."
    482   :feature package
    483   ;; In a sense, this is a lie, but it does just what we want: precompute
    484   ;; the version at compile time and hardcodes it into the .elc file!
    485   (declare (pure t))
    486   ;; Hack alert!
    487   (let ((file
    488          (or (and (boundp 'byte-compile-current-file) byte-compile-current-file)
    489              load-file-name
    490              buffer-file-name)))
    491     (cond
    492      ((null file) nil)
    493      ;; Packages are normally installed into directories named "<pkg>-<vers>",
    494      ;; so get the version number from there.
    495      ((string-match
    496        "/[^/]+-\\([0-9]\\(?:[0-9.]\\|pre\\|beta\\|alpha\\|snapshot\\)+\\)/[^/]+\\'"
    497        file)
    498       (match-string 1 file))
    499      ;; For packages run straight from the an elpa.git clone, there's no
    500      ;; "-<vers>" in the directory name, so we have to fetch the version
    501      ;; the hard way.
    502      ((let* ((pkgdir (file-name-directory file))
    503              (pkgname (file-name-nondirectory (directory-file-name pkgdir)))
    504              (mainfile (expand-file-name (concat pkgname ".el") pkgdir)))
    505         (when (file-readable-p mainfile)
    506           (require 'lisp-mnt)
    507           (with-temp-buffer
    508             (insert-file-contents mainfile)
    509             (or (lm-header "package-version")
    510                 (lm-header "version")))))))))
    512 ;;;; Defined in dired.el
    514 (compat-defun dired-get-marked-files ;; <UNTESTED>
    515     (&optional localp arg filter distinguish-one-marked error)
    516   "Handle optional argument ERROR."
    517   :feature dired
    518   :explicit t
    519   (let ((result (dired-get-marked-files localp arg filter distinguish-one-marked)))
    520     (if (and (null result) error)
    521         (user-error (if (stringp error) error "No files specified"))
    522       result)))
    524 ;;;; Defined in time-date.el
    526 (compat-defun date-days-in-month (year month) ;; <OK>
    527   "The number of days in MONTH in YEAR."
    528   :feature time-date
    529   (unless (and (numberp month)
    530                (<= 1 month)
    531                (<= month 12))
    532     (error "Month %s is invalid" month))
    533   (if (= month 2)
    534       (if (date-leap-year-p year)
    535           29
    536         28)
    537     (if (memq month '(1 3 5 7 8 10 12))
    538         31
    539       30)))
    541 ;;;; Defined in text-property-search.el
    543 (compat-defun make-prop-match (&rest attr) ;; <OK>
    544   "Constructor for objects of type ‘prop-match’."
    545   :max-version "26"
    546   :feature text-property-search
    547   (vector 'prop-match ;; Vector for older than 26.1
    548           (plist-get attr :beginning)
    549           (plist-get attr :end)
    550           (plist-get attr :value)))
    552 (compat-defun make-prop-match (&rest attr) ;; <OK>
    553   "Constructor for objects of type ‘prop-match’."
    554   :min-version "26"
    555   :feature text-property-search
    556   (record 'prop-match ;; record was introduced with 26.1
    557           (plist-get attr :beginning)
    558           (plist-get attr :end)
    559           (plist-get attr :value)))
    561 (compat-defun prop-match-p (match) ;; <OK>
    562   "Return non-nil if MATCH is a `prop-match' object."
    563   :max-version "26" ;; Vector before 26.1
    564   :feature text-property-search
    565   (and (vectorp match)
    566        (> (length match) 0)
    567        (eq (aref match 0) 'prop-match)))
    569 (compat-defun prop-match-p (match) ;; <OK>
    570   "Return non-nil if MATCH is a `prop-match' object."
    571   :min-version "26" ;; Record for 26.1 and newer
    572   :feature text-property-search
    573   (eq (type-of match) 'prop-match))
    575 (compat-defun prop-match-beginning (match) ;; <OK>
    576   "Retrieve the position where MATCH begins."
    577   :feature text-property-search
    578   (aref match 1))
    580 (compat-defun prop-match-end (match) ;; <OK>
    581   "Retrieve the position where MATCH ends."
    582   :feature text-property-search
    583   (aref match 2))
    585 (compat-defun prop-match-value (match) ;; <OK>
    586   "Retrieve the value that MATCH holds."
    587   :feature text-property-search
    588   (aref match 3))
    590 (compat-defun text-property-search-forward ;; <OK>
    591     (property &optional value predicate not-current)
    592   "Search for the next region of text where PREDICATE is true.
    593 PREDICATE is used to decide whether a value of PROPERTY should be
    594 considered as matching VALUE.
    596 If PREDICATE is a function, it will be called with two arguments:
    597 VALUE and the value of PROPERTY.  The function should return
    598 non-nil if these two values are to be considered a match.
    600 Two special values of PREDICATE can also be used:
    601 If PREDICATE is t, that means a value must `equal' VALUE to be
    602 considered a match.
    603 If PREDICATE is nil (which is the default value), a value will
    604 match if is not `equal' to VALUE.  Furthermore, a nil PREDICATE
    605 means that the match region is ended if the value changes.  For
    606 instance, this means that if you loop with
    608   (while (setq prop (text-property-search-forward \\='face))
    609     ...)
    611 you will get all distinct regions with non-nil `face' values in
    612 the buffer, and the `prop' object will have the details about the
    613 match.  See the manual for more details and examples about how
    614 VALUE and PREDICATE interact.
    616 If NOT-CURRENT is non-nil, the function will search for the first
    617 region that doesn't include point and has a value of PROPERTY
    618 that matches VALUE.
    620 If no matches can be found, return nil and don't move point.
    621 If found, move point to the end of the region and return a
    622 `prop-match' object describing the match.  To access the details
    623 of the match, use `prop-match-beginning' and `prop-match-end' for
    624 the buffer positions that limit the region, and
    625 `prop-match-value' for the value of PROPERTY in the region."
    626   :feature text-property-search
    627   (let* ((match-p
    628           (lambda (prop-value)
    629             (funcall
    630              (cond
    631               ((eq predicate t)
    632                #'equal)
    633               ((eq predicate nil)
    634                (lambda (val p-val)
    635                  (not (equal val p-val))))
    636               (predicate))
    637              value prop-value)))
    638          (find-end
    639           (lambda (start)
    640             (let (end)
    641               (if (and value
    642                        (null predicate))
    643                   ;; This is the normal case: We're looking for areas where the
    644                   ;; values aren't, so we aren't interested in sub-areas where the
    645                   ;; property has different values, all non-matching value.
    646                   (let ((ended nil))
    647                     (while (not ended)
    648                       (setq end (next-single-property-change (point) property))
    649                       (if (not end)
    650                           (progn
    651                             (goto-char (point-max))
    652                             (setq end (point)
    653                                   ended t))
    654                         (goto-char end)
    655                         (unless (funcall match-p (get-text-property (point) property))
    656                           (setq ended t)))))
    657                 ;; End this at the first place the property changes value.
    658                 (setq end (next-single-property-change (point) property nil (point-max)))
    659                 (goto-char end))
    660               (make-prop-match
    661                :beginning start
    662                :end end
    663                :value (get-text-property start property))))))
    664     (cond
    665      ;; No matches at the end of the buffer.
    666      ((eobp)
    667       nil)
    668      ;; We're standing in the property we're looking for, so find the
    669      ;; end.
    670      ((and (funcall match-p (get-text-property (point) property))
    671            (not not-current))
    672       (funcall find-end (point)))
    673      (t
    674       (let ((origin (point))
    675             (ended nil)
    676             pos)
    677         ;; Find the next candidate.
    678         (while (not ended)
    679           (setq pos (next-single-property-change (point) property))
    680           (if (not pos)
    681               (progn
    682                 (goto-char origin)
    683                 (setq ended t))
    684             (goto-char pos)
    685             (if (funcall match-p (get-text-property (point) property))
    686                 (setq ended (funcall find-end (point)))
    687               ;; Skip past this section of non-matches.
    688               (setq pos (next-single-property-change (point) property))
    689               (unless pos
    690                 (goto-char origin)
    691                 (setq ended t)))))
    692         (and (not (eq ended t))
    693              ended))))))
    695 (compat-defun text-property-search-backward ;; <OK>
    696     (property &optional value predicate not-current)
    697   "Search for the previous region of text whose PROPERTY matches VALUE.
    699 Like `text-property-search-forward', which see, but searches backward,
    700 and if a matching region is found, place point at the start of the region."
    701   :feature text-property-search
    702   (let* ((match-p
    703           (lambda (prop-value)
    704             (funcall
    705              (cond
    706               ((eq predicate t)
    707                #'equal)
    708               ((eq predicate nil)
    709                (lambda (val p-val)
    710                  (not (equal val p-val))))
    711               (predicate))
    712              value prop-value)))
    713          (find-end
    714           (lambda (start)
    715             (let (end)
    716               (if (and value
    717                        (null predicate))
    718                   ;; This is the normal case: We're looking for areas where the
    719                   ;; values aren't, so we aren't interested in sub-areas where the
    720                   ;; property has different values, all non-matching value.
    721                   (let ((ended nil))
    722                     (while (not ended)
    723                       (setq end (previous-single-property-change (point) property))
    724                       (if (not end)
    725                           (progn
    726                             (goto-char (point-min))
    727                             (setq end (point)
    728                                   ended t))
    729                         (goto-char (1- end))
    730                         (unless (funcall match-p (get-text-property (point) property))
    731                           (goto-char end)
    732                           (setq ended t)))))
    733                 ;; End this at the first place the property changes value.
    734                 (setq end (previous-single-property-change
    735                            (point) property nil (point-min)))
    736                 (goto-char end))
    737               (make-prop-match
    738                :beginning end
    739                :end (1+ start)
    740                :value (get-text-property end property))))))
    741     (cond
    742      ;; We're at the start of the buffer; no previous matches.
    743      ((bobp)
    744       nil)
    745      ;; We're standing in the property we're looking for, so find the
    746      ;; end.
    747      ((funcall match-p (get-text-property (1- (point)) property))
    748       (let ((origin (point))
    749             (match (funcall find-end (1- (point)) property value predicate)))
    750         ;; When we want to ignore the current element, then repeat the
    751         ;; search if we haven't moved out of it yet.
    752         (if (and not-current
    753                  (equal (get-text-property (point) property)
    754                         (get-text-property origin property)))
    755             (text-property-search-backward property value predicate)
    756           match)))
    757      (t
    758       (let ((origin (point))
    759             (ended nil)
    760             pos)
    761         ;; Find the previous candidate.
    762         (while (not ended)
    763           (setq pos (previous-single-property-change (point) property))
    764           (if (not pos)
    765               (progn
    766                 (goto-char origin)
    767                 (setq ended t))
    768             (goto-char (1- pos))
    769             (if (funcall match-p (get-text-property (point) property))
    770                 (setq ended
    771                       (funcall find-end (point)))
    772               ;; Skip past this section of non-matches.
    773               (setq pos (previous-single-property-change (point) property))
    774               (unless pos
    775                 (goto-char origin)
    776                 (setq ended t)))))
    777         (and (not (eq ended t))
    778              ended))))))
    780 (provide 'compat-27)
    781 ;;; compat-27.el ends here