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compat-28.el (33546B)

      1 ;;; compat-28.el --- Compatibility Layer for Emacs 28.1  -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
      3 ;; Copyright (C) 2021, 2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
      5 ;; Author: Philip Kaludercic <>
      6 ;; Maintainer: Compat Development <~pkal/>
      7 ;; URL:
      8 ;; Keywords: lisp
     10 ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
     11 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
     12 ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
     13 ;; (at your option) any later version.
     15 ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
     16 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
     18 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
     20 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
     21 ;; along with this program.  If not, see <>.
     23 ;;; Commentary:
     25 ;; Find here the functionality added in Emacs 28.1, needed by older
     26 ;; versions.
     27 ;;
     28 ;; Only load this library if you need to use one of the following
     29 ;; functions:
     30 ;;
     31 ;; - `unlock-buffer'
     32 ;; - `string-width'
     33 ;; - `directory-files'
     34 ;; - `json-serialize'
     35 ;; - `json-insert'
     36 ;; - `json-parse-string'
     37 ;; - `json-parse-buffer'
     38 ;; - `count-windows'
     40 ;;; Code:
     42 (require 'compat-macs "compat-macs.el")
     44 (compat-declare-version "28.1")
     46 ;;;; Defined in fns.c
     48 ;;* INCOMPLETE FEATURE: Should handle multibyte regular expressions
     49 (compat-defun string-search (needle haystack &optional start-pos)
     50   "Search for the string NEEDLE in the strign HAYSTACK.
     52 The return value is the position of the first occurrence of
     53 NEEDLE in HAYSTACK, or nil if no match was found.
     55 The optional START-POS argument says where to start searching in
     56 HAYSTACK and defaults to zero (start at the beginning).
     57 It must be between zero and the length of HAYSTACK, inclusive.
     59 Case is always significant and text properties are ignored."
     60   :note "Prior to Emacs 27 `string-match' has issues handling
     61 multibyte regular expressions.  As the compatibility function
     62 for `string-search' is implemented via `string-match', these
     63 issues are inherited."
     64   (when (and start-pos (or (< (length haystack) start-pos)
     65                            (< start-pos 0)))
     66     (signal 'args-out-of-range (list start-pos)))
     67   (save-match-data
     68     (let ((case-fold-search nil))
     69       (string-match (regexp-quote needle) haystack start-pos))))
     71 (compat-defun length= (sequence length)
     72   "Returns non-nil if SEQUENCE has a length equal to LENGTH."
     73   (cond
     74    ((null sequence) (zerop length))
     75    ((consp sequence)
     76     (and (null (nthcdr length sequence))
     77          (nthcdr (1- length) sequence)
     78          t))
     79    ((arrayp sequence)
     80     (= (length sequence) length))
     81    ((signal 'wrong-type-argument sequence))))
     83 (compat-defun length< (sequence length)
     84   "Returns non-nil if SEQUENCE is shorter than LENGTH."
     85   (cond
     86    ((null sequence) (not (zerop length)))
     87    ((listp sequence)
     88     (null (nthcdr (1- length) sequence)))
     89    ((arrayp sequence)
     90     (< (length sequence) length))
     91    ((signal 'wrong-type-argument sequence))))
     93 (compat-defun length> (sequence length)
     94   "Returns non-nil if SEQUENCE is longer than LENGTH."
     95   (cond
     96    ((listp sequence)
     97     (and (nthcdr length sequence) t))
     98    ((arrayp sequence)
     99     (> (length sequence) length))
    100    ((signal 'wrong-type-argument sequence))))
    102 ;;;; Defined in fileio.c
    104 (compat-defun file-name-concat (directory &rest components)
    105   "Append COMPONENTS to DIRECTORY and return the resulting string.
    106 Elements in COMPONENTS must be a string or nil.
    107 DIRECTORY or the non-final elements in COMPONENTS may or may not end
    108 with a slash -- if they don’t end with a slash, a slash will be
    109 inserted before contatenating."
    110   (let ((seperator (eval-when-compile
    111                      (if (memq system-type '(ms-dos windows-nt cygwin))
    112                          "\\" "/")))
    113         (last (if components (car (last components)) directory)))
    114     (mapconcat (lambda (part)
    115                  (if (eq part last)	;the last component is not modified
    116                      last
    117                    (replace-regexp-in-string
    118                     (concat seperator "+\\'") "" part)))
    119                (cons directory components)
    120                seperator)))
    122 ;;;; Defined in alloc.c
    124 ;;* UNTESTED (but also not necessary)
    125 (compat-defun garbage-collect-maybe (_factor)
    126   "Call ‘garbage-collect’ if enough allocation happened.
    127 FACTOR determines what \"enough\" means here: If FACTOR is a
    128 positive number N, it means to run GC if more than 1/Nth of the
    129 allocations needed to trigger automatic allocation took place.
    130 Therefore, as N gets higher, this is more likely to perform a GC.
    131 Returns non-nil if GC happened, and nil otherwise."
    132   :note "For releases of Emacs before version 28, this function will do nothing."
    133   ;; Do nothing
    134   nil)
    136 ;;;; Defined in filelock.c
    138 (compat-defun unlock-buffer ()
    139   "Handle `file-error' conditions:
    141 Handles file system errors by calling ‘display-warning’ and
    142 continuing as if the error did not occur."
    143   :prefix t
    144   (condition-case error
    145       (unlock-buffer)
    146     (file-error
    147      (display-warning
    148       '(unlock-file)
    149       (message "%s, ignored" (error-message-string error))
    150       :warning))))
    152 ;;;; Defined in characters.c
    154 (compat-defun string-width (string &optional from to)
    155   "Handle optional arguments FROM and TO:
    157 Optional arguments FROM and TO specify the substring of STRING to
    158 consider, and are interpreted as in `substring'."
    159   :prefix t
    160   (let* ((len (length string))
    161          (from (or from 0))
    162          (to (or to len)))
    163     (if (and (= from 0) (= to len))
    164         (string-width string)
    165       (string-width (substring string from to)))))
    167 ;;;; Defined in dired.c
    169 ;;* UNTESTED
    170 (compat-defun directory-files (directory &optional full match nosort count)
    171   "Handle additional optional argument COUNT:
    173 If COUNT is non-nil and a natural number, the function will
    174  return COUNT number of file names (if so many are present)."
    175   :prefix t
    176   (let ((files (directory-files directory full match nosort)))
    177     (when (natnump count)
    178       (setf (nthcdr count files) nil))
    179     files))
    181 ;;;; Defined in json.c
    183 (declare-function json-insert nil (object &rest args))
    184 (declare-function json-serialize nil (object &rest args))
    185 (declare-function json-parse-string nil (string &rest args))
    186 (declare-function json-parse-buffer nil (&rest args))
    188 (compat-defun json-serialize (object &rest args)
    189   "Handle top-level JSON values."
    190   :prefix t
    191   :min-version "27"
    192   (if (or (listp object) (vectorp object))
    193       (apply #'json-serialize object args)
    194     (substring (json-serialize (list object)) 1 -1)))
    196 (compat-defun json-insert (object &rest args)
    197   "Handle top-level JSON values."
    198   :prefix t
    199   :min-version "27"
    200   (if (or (listp object) (vectorp object))
    201       (apply #'json-insert object args)
    202     ;; `compat-json-serialize' is not sharp-quoted as the byte
    203     ;; compiled doesn't always know that the function has been
    204     ;; defined, but it will only be used in this function if the
    205     ;; prefixed definition of `json-serialize' (see above) has also
    206     ;; been defined.
    207     (insert (apply 'compat-json-serialize object args))))
    209 (compat-defun json-parse-string (string &rest args)
    210   "Handle top-level JSON values."
    211   :prefix t
    212   :min-version "27"
    213   (if (string-match-p "\\`[[:space:]]*[[{]" string)
    214       (apply #'json-parse-string string args)
    215     ;; Wrap the string in an array, and extract the value back using
    216     ;; `elt', to ensure that no matter what the value of `:array-type'
    217     ;; is we can access the first element.
    218     (elt (apply #'json-parse-string (concat "[" string "]") args) 0)))
    220 (compat-defun json-parse-buffer (&rest args)
    221   "Handle top-level JSON values."
    222   :prefix t
    223   :min-version "27"
    224   (if (looking-at-p "[[:space:]]*[[{]")
    225       (apply #'json-parse-buffer args)
    226     (catch 'escape
    227       (atomic-change-group
    228         (with-syntax-table
    229             (let ((st (make-syntax-table)))
    230               (modify-syntax-entry ?\" "\"" st)
    231               (modify-syntax-entry ?. "_" st)
    232               st)
    233           (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
    234             (save-excursion
    235             (insert "[")
    236             (forward-sexp 1)
    237             (insert "]"))))
    238         (throw 'escape (elt (apply #'json-parse-buffer args) 0))))))
    240 ;;;; xfaces.c
    242 (compat-defun color-values-from-color-spec (spec)
    243   "Parse color SPEC as a numeric color and return (RED GREEN BLUE).
    244 This function recognises the following formats for SPEC:
    246  #RGB, where R, G and B are hex numbers of equal length, 1-4 digits each.
    247  rgb:R/G/B, where R, G, and B are hex numbers, 1-4 digits each.
    248  rgbi:R/G/B, where R, G and B are floating-point numbers in [0,1].
    250 If SPEC is not in one of the above forms, return nil.
    252 Each of the 3 integer members of the resulting list, RED, GREEN,
    253 and BLUE, is normalized to have its value in [0,65535]."
    254   (let ((case-fold-search nil))
    255     (save-match-data
    256       (cond
    257        ((string-match
    258          ;; (rx bos "#"
    259          ;;     (or (: (group-n 1 (= 1 hex)) (group-n 2 (= 1 hex)) (group-n 3 (= 1 hex)))
    260          ;;         (: (group-n 1 (= 2 hex)) (group-n 2 (= 2 hex)) (group-n 3 (= 2 hex)))
    261          ;;         (: (group-n 1 (= 3 hex)) (group-n 2 (= 3 hex)) (group-n 3 (= 3 hex)))
    262          ;;         (: (group-n 1 (= 4 hex)) (group-n 2 (= 4 hex)) (group-n 3 (= 4 hex))))
    263          ;;     eos)
    264          "\\`#\\(?:\\(?1:[[:xdigit:]]\\{1\\}\\)\\(?2:[[:xdigit:]]\\{1\\}\\)\\(?3:[[:xdigit:]]\\{1\\}\\)\\|\\(?1:[[:xdigit:]]\\{2\\}\\)\\(?2:[[:xdigit:]]\\{2\\}\\)\\(?3:[[:xdigit:]]\\{2\\}\\)\\|\\(?1:[[:xdigit:]]\\{3\\}\\)\\(?2:[[:xdigit:]]\\{3\\}\\)\\(?3:[[:xdigit:]]\\{3\\}\\)\\|\\(?1:[[:xdigit:]]\\{4\\}\\)\\(?2:[[:xdigit:]]\\{4\\}\\)\\(?3:[[:xdigit:]]\\{4\\}\\)\\)\\'"
    265          spec)
    266         (let ((max (1- (ash 1 (* (- (match-end 1) (match-beginning 1)) 4)))))
    267           (list (/ (* (string-to-number (match-string 1 spec) 16) 65535) max)
    268                 (/ (* (string-to-number (match-string 2 spec) 16) 65535) max)
    269                 (/ (* (string-to-number (match-string 3 spec) 16) 65535) max))))
    270        ((string-match
    271          ;; (rx bos "rgb:"
    272          ;;     (group (** 1 4 hex)) "/"
    273          ;;     (group (** 1 4 hex)) "/"
    274          ;;     (group (** 1 4 hex))
    275          ;;     eos)
    276          "\\`rgb:\\([[:xdigit:]]\\{1,4\\}\\)/\\([[:xdigit:]]\\{1,4\\}\\)/\\([[:xdigit:]]\\{1,4\\}\\)\\'"
    277          spec)
    278         (list (/ (* (string-to-number (match-string 1 spec) 16) 65535)
    279                  (1- (ash 1 (* (- (match-end 1) (match-beginning 1)) 4))))
    280               (/ (* (string-to-number (match-string 2 spec) 16) 65535)
    281                  (1- (ash 1 (* (- (match-end 2) (match-beginning 2)) 4))))
    282               (/ (* (string-to-number (match-string 3 spec) 16) 65535)
    283                  (1- (ash 1 (* (- (match-end 3) (match-beginning 3)) 4))))))
    284        ;; The "RGBi" (RGB Intensity) specification is defined by
    285        ;; XCMS[0], see [1] for the implementation in Xlib.
    286        ;;
    287        ;; [0]
    288        ;; [1]
    289        ((string-match
    290          ;; (rx bos "rgbi:" (* space)
    291          ;;     (group (? (or "-" "+"))
    292          ;;            (or (: (+ digit) (? "." (* digit)))
    293          ;;                (: "." (+ digit)))
    294          ;;            (? "e" (? (or "-" "+")) (+ digit)))
    295          ;;     "/" (* space)
    296          ;;     (group (? (or "-" "+"))
    297          ;;            (or (: (+ digit) (? "." (* digit)))
    298          ;;                (: "." (+ digit)))
    299          ;;            (? "e" (? (or "-" "+")) (+ digit)))
    300          ;;     "/" (* space)
    301          ;;     (group (? (or "-" "+"))
    302          ;;            (or (: (+ digit) (? "." (* digit)))
    303          ;;                (: "." (+ digit)))
    304          ;;            (? "e" (? (or "-" "+")) (+ digit)))
    305          ;;     eos)
    306          "\\`rgbi:[[:space:]]*\\([+-]?\\(?:[[:digit:]]+\\(?:\\.[[:digit:]]*\\)?\\|\\.[[:digit:]]+\\)\\(?:e[+-]?[[:digit:]]+\\)?\\)/[[:space:]]*\\([+-]?\\(?:[[:digit:]]+\\(?:\\.[[:digit:]]*\\)?\\|\\.[[:digit:]]+\\)\\(?:e[+-]?[[:digit:]]+\\)?\\)/[[:space:]]*\\([+-]?\\(?:[[:digit:]]+\\(?:\\.[[:digit:]]*\\)?\\|\\.[[:digit:]]+\\)\\(?:e[+-]?[[:digit:]]+\\)?\\)\\'"
    307          spec)
    308         (let ((r (round (* (string-to-number (match-string 1 spec)) 65535)))
    309               (g (round (* (string-to-number (match-string 2 spec)) 65535)))
    310               (b (round (* (string-to-number (match-string 3 spec)) 65535))))
    311           (when (and (<= 0 r) (<= r 65535)
    312                      (<= 0 g) (<= g 65535)
    313                      (<= 0 b) (<= b 65535))
    314             (list r g b))))))))
    316 ;;;; Defined in subr.el
    318 ;;* INCOMPLETE FEATURE: Should handle multibyte regular expressions
    319 (compat-defun string-replace (fromstring tostring instring)
    320   "Replace FROMSTRING with TOSTRING in INSTRING each time it occurs."
    321   (when (equal fromstring "")
    322     (signal 'wrong-length-argument '(0)))
    323   (let ((case-fold-search nil))
    324     (replace-regexp-in-string
    325      (regexp-quote fromstring)
    326      tostring instring
    327      t t)))
    329 (compat-defun always (&rest _arguments)
    330   "Do nothing and return t.
    331 This function accepts any number of ARGUMENTS, but ignores them.
    332 Also see `ignore'."
    333   t)
    335 ;;* UNTESTED
    336 (compat-defun insert-into-buffer (buffer &optional start end)
    337   "Insert the contents of the current buffer into BUFFER.
    338 If START/END, only insert that region from the current buffer.
    339 Point in BUFFER will be placed after the inserted text."
    340   (let ((current (current-buffer)))
    341     (with-current-buffer buffer
    342       (insert-buffer-substring current start end))))
    344 ;;* UNTESTED
    345 (compat-defun replace-string-in-region (string replacement &optional start end)
    346   "Replace STRING with REPLACEMENT in the region from START to END.
    347 The number of replaced occurrences are returned, or nil if STRING
    348 doesn't exist in the region.
    350 If START is nil, use the current point.  If END is nil, use `point-max'.
    352 Comparisons and replacements are done with fixed case."
    353   (if start
    354       (when (< start (point-min))
    355         (error "Start before start of buffer"))
    356     (setq start (point)))
    357   (if end
    358       (when (> end (point-max))
    359         (error "End after end of buffer"))
    360     (setq end (point-max)))
    361   (save-excursion
    362     (let ((matches 0)
    363           (case-fold-search nil))
    364       (goto-char start)
    365       (while (search-forward string end t)
    366         (delete-region (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0))
    367         (insert replacement)
    368         (setq matches (1+ matches)))
    369       (and (not (zerop matches))
    370            matches))))
    372 ;;* UNTESTED
    373 (compat-defun replace-regexp-in-region (regexp replacement &optional start end)
    374   "Replace REGEXP with REPLACEMENT in the region from START to END.
    375 The number of replaced occurrences are returned, or nil if REGEXP
    376 doesn't exist in the region.
    378 If START is nil, use the current point.  If END is nil, use `point-max'.
    380 Comparisons and replacements are done with fixed case.
    382 REPLACEMENT can use the following special elements:
    384   `\\&' in NEWTEXT means substitute original matched text.
    385   `\\N' means substitute what matched the Nth `\\(...\\)'.
    386        If Nth parens didn't match, substitute nothing.
    387   `\\\\' means insert one `\\'.
    388   `\\?' is treated literally."
    389   (if start
    390       (when (< start (point-min))
    391         (error "Start before start of buffer"))
    392     (setq start (point)))
    393   (if end
    394       (when (> end (point-max))
    395         (error "End after end of buffer"))
    396     (setq end (point-max)))
    397   (save-excursion
    398     (let ((matches 0)
    399           (case-fold-search nil))
    400       (goto-char start)
    401       (while (re-search-forward regexp end t)
    402         (replace-match replacement t)
    403         (setq matches (1+ matches)))
    404       (and (not (zerop matches))
    405            matches))))
    407 ;;* UNTESTED
    408 (compat-defun buffer-local-boundp (symbol buffer)
    409   "Return non-nil if SYMBOL is bound in BUFFER.
    410 Also see `local-variable-p'."
    411   (catch 'fail
    412     (condition-case nil
    413         (buffer-local-value symbol buffer)
    414       (void-variable nil (throw 'fail nil)))
    415     t))
    417 ;;* UNTESTED
    418 (compat-defmacro with-existing-directory (&rest body)
    419   "Execute BODY with `default-directory' bound to an existing directory.
    420 If `default-directory' is already an existing directory, it's not changed."
    421   (declare (indent 0) (debug t))
    422   (let ((quit (make-symbol "with-existing-directory-quit")))
    423     `(catch ',quit
    424        (dolist (dir (list default-directory
    425                           (expand-file-name "~/")
    426                           (getenv "TMPDIR")
    427                           "/tmp/"
    428                           ;; XXX: check if "/" works on non-POSIX
    429                           ;; system.
    430                           "/"))
    431          (when (and dir (file-exists-p dir))
    432            (throw ',quit (let ((default-directory dir))
    433                            ,@body)))))))
    435 ;;* UNTESTED
    436 (compat-defmacro dlet (binders &rest body)
    437   "Like `let' but using dynamic scoping."
    438   (declare (indent 1) (debug let))
    439   `(let (_)
    440      ,@(mapcar (lambda (binder)
    441                  `(defvar ,(if (consp binder) (car binder) binder)))
    442                binders)
    443      (let ,binders ,@body)))
    445 (compat-defun ensure-list (object)
    446   "Return OBJECT as a list.
    447 If OBJECT is already a list, return OBJECT itself.  If it's
    448 not a list, return a one-element list containing OBJECT."
    449   (if (listp object)
    450       object
    451     (list object)))
    453 (compat-defun subr-primitive-p (object)
    454   "Return t if OBJECT is a built-in primitive function."
    455   (subrp object))
    457 ;;;; Defined in subr-x.el
    459 (compat-defun string-clean-whitespace (string)
    460   "Clean up whitespace in STRING.
    461 All sequences of whitespaces in STRING are collapsed into a
    462 single space character, and leading/trailing whitespace is
    463 removed."
    464   :feature 'subr-x
    465   (let ((blank "[[:blank:]\r\n]+"))
    466     (replace-regexp-in-string
    467      "^[[:blank:]\r\n]+\\|[[:blank:]\r\n]+$"
    468      ""
    469      (replace-regexp-in-string
    470       blank " " string))))
    472 (compat-defun string-fill (string length)
    473   "Clean up whitespace in STRING.
    474 All sequences of whitespaces in STRING are collapsed into a
    475 single space character, and leading/trailing whitespace is
    476 removed."
    477   :feature 'subr-x
    478   (with-temp-buffer
    479     (insert string)
    480     (goto-char (point-min))
    481     (let ((fill-column length)
    482           (adaptive-fill-mode nil))
    483       (fill-region (point-min) (point-max)))
    484     (buffer-string)))
    486 (compat-defun string-lines (string &optional omit-nulls)
    487   "Split STRING into a list of lines.
    488 If OMIT-NULLS, empty lines will be removed from the results."
    489   :feature 'subr-x
    490   (split-string string "\n" omit-nulls))
    492 (compat-defun string-pad (string length &optional padding start)
    493   "Pad STRING to LENGTH using PADDING.
    494 If PADDING is nil, the space character is used.  If not nil, it
    495 should be a character.
    497 If STRING is longer than the absolute value of LENGTH, no padding
    498 is done.
    500 If START is nil (or not present), the padding is done to the end
    501 of the string, and if non-nil, padding is done to the start of
    502 the string."
    503   :feature 'subr-x
    504   (unless (natnump length)
    505     (signal 'wrong-type-argument (list 'natnump length)))
    506   (let ((pad-length (- length (length string))))
    507     (if (< pad-length 0)
    508         string
    509       (concat (and start
    510                    (make-string pad-length (or padding ?\s)))
    511               string
    512               (and (not start)
    513                    (make-string pad-length (or padding ?\s)))))))
    515 (compat-defun string-chop-newline (string)
    516   "Remove the final newline (if any) from STRING."
    517   :feature 'subr-x
    518   (if (and (>= (length string) 1) (= (aref string (1- (length string))) ?\n))
    519       (substring string 0 -1)
    520     string))
    522 (compat-defmacro named-let (name bindings &rest body)
    523   "Looping construct taken from Scheme.
    524 Like `let', bind variables in BINDINGS and then evaluate BODY,
    525 but with the twist that BODY can evaluate itself recursively by
    526 calling NAME, where the arguments passed to NAME are used
    527 as the new values of the bound variables in the recursive invocation."
    528   :feature 'subr-x
    529   (declare (indent 2) (debug (symbolp (&rest (symbolp form)) body)))
    530   (let ((fargs (mapcar (lambda (b)
    531                          (let ((var (if (consp b) (car b) b)))
    532                            (make-symbol (symbol-name var))))
    533                        bindings))
    534         (aargs (mapcar (lambda (b) (if (consp b) (cadr b))) bindings))
    535         rargs)
    536     (dotimes (i (length bindings))
    537       (let ((b (nth i bindings)))
    538         (push (list (if (consp b) (car b) b) (nth i fargs))
    539               rargs)
    540         (setf (if (consp b) (car b) b)
    541               (nth i fargs))))
    542     (letrec
    543         ((quit (make-symbol "quit")) (self (make-symbol "self"))
    544          (total-tco t)
    545          (macro (lambda (&rest args)
    546                   (setq total-tco nil)
    547                   `(funcall ,self . ,args)))
    548          ;; Based on `cl--self-tco':
    549          (tco-progn (lambda (exprs)
    550                       (append
    551                        (butlast exprs)
    552                        (list (funcall tco (car (last exprs)))))))
    553          (tco (lambda (expr)
    554                 (cond
    555                  ((eq (car-safe expr) 'if)
    556                   (append (list 'if
    557                                 (cadr expr)
    558                                 (funcall tco (nth 2 expr)))
    559                           (funcall tco-progn (nthcdr 3 expr))))
    560                  ((eq (car-safe expr) 'cond)
    561                   (let ((conds (cdr expr)) body)
    562                     (while conds
    563                       (let ((branch (pop conds)))
    564                         (push (cond
    565                                ((cdr branch) ;has tail
    566                                 (funcall tco-progn branch))
    567                                ((null conds) ;last element
    568                                 (list t (funcall tco (car branch))))
    569                                ((progn
    570                                   branch)))
    571                               body)))
    572                     (cons 'cond (nreverse body))))
    573                  ((eq (car-safe expr) 'or)
    574                   (if (cddr expr)
    575                       (let ((var (make-symbol "var")))
    576                         `(let ((,var ,(cadr expr)))
    577                            (if ,var ,(funcall tco var)
    578                              ,(funcall tco (cons 'or (cddr expr))))))
    579                     (funcall tco (cadr expr))))
    580                  ((eq (car-safe expr) 'condition-case)
    581                   (append (list 'condition-case (cadr expr) (nth 2 expr))
    582                           (mapcar
    583                            (lambda (handler)
    584                              (cons (car handler)
    585                                    (funcall tco-progn (cdr handler))))
    586                            (nthcdr 3 expr))))
    587                  ((memq (car-safe expr) '(and progn))
    588                   (cons (car expr) (funcall tco-progn (cdr expr))))
    589                  ((memq (car-safe expr) '(let let*))
    590                   (append (list (car expr) (cadr expr))
    591                           (funcall tco-progn (cddr expr))))
    592                  ((eq (car-safe expr) name)
    593                   (let (sets (args (cdr expr)))
    594                     (dolist (farg fargs)
    595                       (push (list farg (pop args))
    596                             sets))
    597                     (cons 'setq (apply #'nconc (nreverse sets)))))
    598                  (`(throw ',quit ,expr))))))
    599       (let ((tco-body (funcall tco (macroexpand-all (macroexp-progn body)))))
    600         (when tco-body
    601           (setq body `((catch ',quit
    602                          (while t (let ,rargs ,@(macroexp-unprogn tco-body))))))))
    603       (let ((expand (macroexpand-all (macroexp-progn body) (list (cons name macro)))))
    604         (if total-tco
    605             `(let ,bindings ,expand)
    606           `(funcall
    607             (letrec ((,self (lambda ,fargs ,expand))) ,self)
    608             ,@aargs))))))
    610 ;;;; Defined in files.el
    612 (declare-function compat--string-trim-left "compat-26" (string &optional regexp))
    613 (declare-function compat--directory-name-p "compat-25" (name))
    614 (compat-defun file-name-with-extension (filename extension)
    615   "Set the EXTENSION of a FILENAME.
    616 The extension (in a file name) is the part that begins with the last \".\".
    618 Trims a leading dot from the EXTENSION so that either \"foo\" or
    619 \".foo\" can be given.
    621 Errors if the FILENAME or EXTENSION are empty, or if the given
    622 FILENAME has the format of a directory.
    624 See also `file-name-sans-extension'."
    625   (let ((extn (compat--string-trim-left extension "[.]")))
    626     (cond
    627      ((string= filename "")
    628       (error "Empty filename"))
    629      ((string= extn "")
    630       (error "Malformed extension: %s" extension))
    631      ((compat--directory-name-p filename)
    632       (error "Filename is a directory: %s" filename))
    633      (t
    634       (concat (file-name-sans-extension filename) "." extn)))))
    636 ;;* UNTESTED
    637 (compat-defun directory-empty-p (dir)
    638   "Return t if DIR names an existing directory containing no other files.
    639 Return nil if DIR does not name a directory, or if there was
    640 trouble determining whether DIR is a directory or empty.
    642 Symbolic links to directories count as directories.
    643 See `file-symlink-p' to distinguish symlinks."
    644   (and (file-directory-p dir)
    645        (null (directory-files dir nil directory-files-no-dot-files-regexp t))))
    647 (compat-defun file-modes-number-to-symbolic (mode &optional filetype)
    648   "Return a string describing a file's MODE.
    649 For instance, if MODE is #o700, then it produces `-rwx------'.
    650 FILETYPE if provided should be a character denoting the type of file,
    651 such as `?d' for a directory, or `?l' for a symbolic link and will override
    652 the leading `-' char."
    653   (string
    654    (or filetype
    655        (pcase (lsh mode -12)
    656          ;; POSIX specifies that the file type is included in st_mode
    657          ;; and provides names for the file types but values only for
    658          ;; the permissions (e.g., S_IWOTH=2).
    660          ;; (#o017 ??) ;; #define S_IFMT  00170000
    661          (#o014 ?s)    ;; #define S_IFSOCK 0140000
    662          (#o012 ?l)    ;; #define S_IFLNK  0120000
    663          ;; (8  ??)    ;; #define S_IFREG  0100000
    664          (#o006  ?b)   ;; #define S_IFBLK  0060000
    665          (#o004  ?d)   ;; #define S_IFDIR  0040000
    666          (#o002  ?c)   ;; #define S_IFCHR  0020000
    667          (#o001  ?p)   ;; #define S_IFIFO  0010000
    668          (_ ?-)))
    669    (if (zerop (logand   256 mode)) ?- ?r)
    670    (if (zerop (logand   128 mode)) ?- ?w)
    671    (if (zerop (logand    64 mode))
    672        (if (zerop (logand  2048 mode)) ?- ?S)
    673      (if (zerop (logand  2048 mode)) ?x ?s))
    674    (if (zerop (logand    32 mode)) ?- ?r)
    675    (if (zerop (logand    16 mode)) ?- ?w)
    676    (if (zerop (logand     8 mode))
    677        (if (zerop (logand  1024 mode)) ?- ?S)
    678      (if (zerop (logand  1024 mode)) ?x ?s))
    679    (if (zerop (logand     4 mode)) ?- ?r)
    680    (if (zerop (logand     2 mode)) ?- ?w)
    681    (if (zerop (logand 512 mode))
    682        (if (zerop (logand   1 mode)) ?- ?x)
    683      (if (zerop (logand   1 mode)) ?T ?t))))
    685 ;;* UNTESTED
    686 (compat-defun file-backup-file-names (filename)
    687   "Return a list of backup files for FILENAME.
    688 The list will be sorted by modification time so that the most
    689 recent files are first."
    690   ;; `make-backup-file-name' will get us the right directory for
    691   ;; ordinary or numeric backups.  It might create a directory for
    692   ;; backups as a side-effect, according to `backup-directory-alist'.
    693   (let* ((filename (file-name-sans-versions
    694                     (make-backup-file-name (expand-file-name filename))))
    695          (dir (file-name-directory filename))
    696          files)
    697     (dolist (file (file-name-all-completions
    698                    (file-name-nondirectory filename) dir))
    699       (let ((candidate (concat dir file)))
    700         (when (and (backup-file-name-p candidate)
    701                    (string= (file-name-sans-versions candidate) filename))
    702           (push candidate files))))
    703     (sort files #'file-newer-than-file-p)))
    705 (compat-defun make-lock-file-name (filename)
    706   "Make a lock file name for FILENAME.
    707 This prepends \".#\" to the non-directory part of FILENAME, and
    708 doesn't respect `lock-file-name-transforms', as Emacs 28.1 and
    709 onwards does."
    710   (expand-file-name
    711    (concat
    712     ".#" (file-name-nondirectory filename))
    713    (file-name-directory filename)))
    715 ;;;; Defined in files-x.el
    717 (declare-function tramp-tramp-file-p "tramp" (name))
    719 ;;* UNTESTED
    720 (compat-defun null-device ()
    721   "Return the best guess for the null device."
    722   (require 'tramp)
    723   (if (tramp-tramp-file-p default-directory)
    724       "/dev/null"
    725     null-device))
    727 ;;;; Defined in minibuffer.el
    729 (compat-defun format-prompt (prompt default &rest format-args)
    730   "Format PROMPT with DEFAULT.
    731 If FORMAT-ARGS is nil, PROMPT is used as a plain string.  If
    732 FORMAT-ARGS is non-nil, PROMPT is used as a format control
    733 string, and FORMAT-ARGS are the arguments to be substituted into
    734 it.  See `format' for details.
    736 If DEFAULT is a list, the first element is used as the default.
    737 If not, the element is used as is.
    739 If DEFAULT is nil or an empty string, no \"default value\" string
    740 is included in the return value."
    741   (concat
    742    (if (null format-args)
    743        prompt
    744      (apply #'format prompt format-args))
    745    (and default
    746         (or (not (stringp default))
    747             (> (length default) 0))
    748         (format " (default %s)"
    749                 (if (consp default)
    750                     (car default)
    751                   default)))
    752    ": "))
    754 ;;;; Defined in windows.el
    756 ;;* UNTESTED
    757 (compat-defun count-windows (&optional minibuf all-frames)
    758   "Handle optional argument ALL-FRAMES:
    760 If ALL-FRAMES is non-nil, count the windows in all frames instead
    761 just the selected frame."
    762   :prefix t
    763   (if all-frames
    764       (let ((sum 0))
    765         (dolist (frame (frame-list))
    766           (with-selected-frame frame
    767             (setq sum (+ (count-windows minibuf) sum))))
    768         sum)
    769     (count-windows minibuf)))
    771 ;;;; Defined in thingatpt.el
    773 (declare-function mouse-set-point "mouse" (event &optional promote-to-region))
    775 ;;* UNTESTED
    776 (compat-defun thing-at-mouse (event thing &optional no-properties)
    777   "Return the THING at mouse click.
    778 Like `thing-at-point', but tries to use the event
    779 where the mouse button is clicked to find a thing nearby."
    780   :feature 'thingatpt
    781   (save-excursion
    782     (mouse-set-point event)
    783     (thing-at-point thing no-properties)))
    785 ;;;; Defined in macroexp.el
    787 ;;* UNTESTED
    788 (compat-defun macroexp-file-name ()
    789   "Return the name of the file from which the code comes.
    790 Returns nil when we do not know.
    791 A non-nil result is expected to be reliable when called from a macro in order
    792 to find the file in which the macro's call was found, and it should be
    793 reliable as well when used at the top-level of a file.
    794 Other uses risk returning non-nil value that point to the wrong file."
    795   :feature 'macroexp
    796   (let ((file (car (last current-load-list))))
    797     (or (if (stringp file) file)
    798         (bound-and-true-p byte-compile-current-file))))
    800 ;;;; Defined in env.el
    802 ;;* UNTESTED
    803 (compat-defmacro with-environment-variables (variables &rest body)
    804   "Set VARIABLES in the environent and execute BODY.
    805 VARIABLES is a list of variable settings of the form (VAR VALUE),
    806 where VAR is the name of the variable (a string) and VALUE
    807 is its value (also a string).
    809 The previous values will be be restored upon exit."
    810   (declare (indent 1) (debug (sexp body)))
    811   (unless (consp variables)
    812     (error "Invalid VARIABLES: %s" variables))
    813   `(let ((process-environment (copy-sequence process-environment)))
    814      ,@(mapcar (lambda (elem)
    815                  `(setenv ,(car elem) ,(cadr elem)))
    816                variables)
    817      ,@body))
    819 ;;;; Defined in button.el
    821 ;;* UNTESTED
    822 (compat-defun button-buttonize (string callback &optional data)
    823   "Make STRING into a button and return it.
    824 When clicked, CALLBACK will be called with the DATA as the
    825 function argument.  If DATA isn't present (or is nil), the button
    826 itself will be used instead as the function argument."
    827   :feature 'button
    828   (propertize string
    829               'face 'button
    830               'button t
    831               'follow-link t
    832               'category t
    833               'button-data data
    834               'keymap button-map
    835               'action callback))
    837 ;;;; Defined in autoload.el
    839 (defvar generated-autoload-file)
    841 ;;* UNTESTED
    842 (compat-defun make-directory-autoloads (dir output-file)
    843   "Update autoload definitions for Lisp files in the directories DIRS.
    844 DIR can be either a single directory or a list of
    845 directories.  (The latter usage is discouraged.)
    847 The autoloads will be written to OUTPUT-FILE.  If any Lisp file
    848 binds `generated-autoload-file' as a file-local variable, write
    849 its autoloads into the specified file instead.
    851 The function does NOT recursively descend into subdirectories of the
    852 directory or directories specified."
    853   (let ((generated-autoload-file output-file))
    854     ;; We intentionally don't sharp-quote
    855     ;; `update-directory-autoloads', because it was deprecated in
    856     ;; Emacs 28 and we don't want to trigger the byte compiler for
    857     ;; newer versions.
    858     (apply 'update-directory-autoloads
    859            (if (listp dir) dir (list dir)))))
    861 ;;;; Defined in time-data.el
    863 (compat-defun decoded-time-period (time)
    864   "Interpret DECODED as a period and return its length in seconds.
    865 For computational purposes, years are 365 days long and months
    866 are 30 days long."
    867   :feature 'time-date
    868   :version "28"
    869   ;; Inlining the definitions from compat-27
    870   (+ (if (consp (nth 0 time))
    871          ;; Fractional second.
    872          (/ (float (car (nth 0 time)))
    873             (cdr (nth 0 time)))
    874        (or (nth 0 time) 0))
    875      (* (or (nth 1 time) 0) 60)
    876      (* (or (nth 2 time) 0) 60 60)
    877      (* (or (nth 3 time) 0) 60 60 24)
    878      (* (or (nth 4 time) 0) 60 60 24 30)
    879      (* (or (nth 5 time) 0) 60 60 24 365)))
    881 (compat--inhibit-prefixed (provide 'compat-28))
    882 ;;; compat-28.el ends here