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compat-26.el (24063B)

      1 ;;; compat-26.el --- Compatibility Layer for Emacs 26.1  -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
      3 ;; Copyright (C) 2021, 2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
      5 ;; Author: Philip Kaludercic <>
      6 ;; Maintainer: Compat Development <~pkal/>
      7 ;; URL:
      8 ;; Keywords: lisp
     10 ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
     11 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
     12 ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
     13 ;; (at your option) any later version.
     15 ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
     16 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
     18 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
     20 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
     21 ;; along with this program.  If not, see <>.
     23 ;;; Commentary:
     25 ;; Find here the functionality added in Emacs 26.1, needed by older
     26 ;; versions.
     27 ;;
     28 ;; Only load this library if you need to use one of the following
     29 ;; functions:
     30 ;;
     31 ;; - `compat-sort'
     32 ;; - `line-number-at-pos'
     33 ;; - `compat-alist-get'
     34 ;; - `string-trim-left'
     35 ;; - `string-trim-right'
     36 ;; - `string-trim'
     38 ;;; Code:
     40 (require 'compat-macs "compat-macs.el")
     42 (compat-declare-version "26.1")
     44 ;;;; Defined in eval.c
     46 (compat-defun func-arity (func)
     47   "Return minimum and maximum number of args allowed for FUNC.
     48 FUNC must be a function of some kind.
     49 The returned value is a cons cell (MIN . MAX).  MIN is the minimum number
     50 of args.  MAX is the maximum number, or the symbol `many', for a
     51 function with `&rest' args, or `unevalled' for a special form."
     52   :realname compat--func-arity
     53   (cond
     54    ((or (null func) (and (symbolp func) (not (fboundp func))))
     55     (signal 'void-function func))
     56    ((and (symbolp func) (not (null func)))
     57     (compat--func-arity (symbol-function func)))
     58    ((eq (car-safe func) 'macro)
     59     (compat--func-arity (cdr func)))
     60    ((subrp func)
     61     (subr-arity func))
     62    ((memq (car-safe func) '(closure lambda))
     63     ;; See lambda_arity from eval.c
     64     (when (eq (car func) 'closure)
     65       (setq func (cdr func)))
     66     (let ((syms-left (if (consp func)
     67                          (car func)
     68                        (signal 'invalid-function func)))
     69           (min-args 0) (max-args 0) optional)
     70       (catch 'many
     71         (dolist (next syms-left)
     72           (cond
     73            ((not (symbolp next))
     74             (signal 'invalid-function func))
     75            ((eq next '&rest)
     76             (throw 'many (cons min-args 'many)))
     77            ((eq next '&optional)
     78             (setq optional t))
     79            (t (unless optional
     80                 (setq min-args (1+ min-args)))
     81               (setq max-args (1+ max-args)))))
     82         (cons min-args max-args))))
     83    ((and (byte-code-function-p func) (numberp (aref func 0)))
     84     ;; See get_byte_code_arity from bytecode.c
     85     (let ((at (aref func 0)))
     86       (cons (logand at 127)
     87             (if (= (logand at 128) 0)
     88                 (ash at -8)
     89               'many))))
     90    ((and (byte-code-function-p func) (numberp (aref func 0)))
     91     ;; See get_byte_code_arity from bytecode.c
     92     (let ((at (aref func 0)))
     93       (cons (logand at 127)
     94             (if (= (logand at 128) 0)
     95                 (ash at -8)
     96               'many))))
     97    ((and (byte-code-function-p func) (listp (aref func 0)))
     98     ;; Based on `byte-compile-make-args-desc', this is required for
     99     ;; old versions of Emacs that don't use a integer for the argument
    100     ;; list description, per e2abe5a13dffb08d6371b6a611bc39c3a9ac2bc6.
    101     (let ((arglist (aref func 0)) (mandatory 0) nonrest)
    102       (while (and arglist (not (memq (car arglist) '(&optional &rest))))
    103         (setq mandatory (1+ mandatory))
    104         (setq arglist (cdr arglist)))
    105       (setq nonrest mandatory)
    106       (when (eq (car arglist) '&optional)
    107         (setq arglist (cdr arglist))
    108         (while (and arglist (not (eq (car arglist) '&rest)))
    109           (setq nonrest (1+ nonrest))
    110           (setq arglist (cdr arglist))))
    111       (cons mandatory (if arglist 'many nonrest))))
    112    ((autoloadp func)
    113     (autoload-do-load func)
    114     (compat--func-arity func))
    115    ((signal 'invalid-function func))))
    117 ;;;; Defined in fns.c
    119 (compat-defun assoc (key alist &optional testfn)
    120   "Handle the optional argument TESTFN.
    121 Equality is defined by the function TESTFN, defaulting to
    122 `equal'.  TESTFN is called with 2 arguments: a car of an alist
    123 element and KEY.  With no optional argument, the function behaves
    124 just like `assoc'."
    125   :prefix t
    126   (if testfn
    127       (catch 'found
    128         (dolist (ent alist)
    129           (when (funcall testfn (car ent) key)
    130             (throw 'found ent))))
    131     (assoc key alist)))
    133 (compat-defun mapcan (func sequence)
    134   "Apply FUNC to each element of SEQUENCE.
    135 Concatenate the results by altering them (using `nconc').
    136 SEQUENCE may be a list, a vector, a boolean vector, or a string."
    137   (apply #'nconc (mapcar func sequence)))
    139 ;;* UNTESTED
    140 (compat-defun line-number-at-pos (&optional position absolute)
    141   "Handle optional argument ABSOLUTE:
    143 If the buffer is narrowed, the return value by default counts the lines
    144 from the beginning of the accessible portion of the buffer.  But if the
    145 second optional argument ABSOLUTE is non-nil, the value counts the lines
    146 from the absolute start of the buffer, disregarding the narrowing."
    147   :prefix t
    148   (if absolute
    149       (save-restriction
    150         (widen)
    151         (line-number-at-pos position))
    152     (line-number-at-pos position)))
    154 ;;;; Defined in subr.el
    156 (declare-function compat--alist-get-full-elisp "compat-25"
    157                   (key alist &optional default remove testfn))
    158 (compat-defun alist-get (key alist &optional default remove testfn)
    159   "Handle TESTFN manually."
    160   :realname compat--alist-get-handle-testfn
    161   :prefix t
    162   (if testfn
    163       (compat--alist-get-full-elisp key alist default remove testfn)
    164     (alist-get key alist default remove)))
    166 (gv-define-expander compat-alist-get
    167   (lambda (do key alist &optional default remove testfn)
    168     (macroexp-let2 macroexp-copyable-p k key
    169       (gv-letplace (getter setter) alist
    170         (macroexp-let2 nil p `(if (and ,testfn (not (eq ,testfn 'eq)))
    171                                   (compat-assoc ,k ,getter ,testfn)
    172                                 (assq ,k ,getter))
    173           (funcall do (if (null default) `(cdr ,p)
    174                         `(if ,p (cdr ,p) ,default))
    175                    (lambda (v)
    176                      (macroexp-let2 nil v v
    177                        (let ((set-exp
    178                               `(if ,p (setcdr ,p ,v)
    179                                  ,(funcall setter
    180                                            `(cons (setq ,p (cons ,k ,v))
    181                                                   ,getter)))))
    182                          `(progn
    183                             ,(cond
    184                               ((null remove) set-exp)
    185                               ((or (eql v default)
    186                                    (and (eq (car-safe v) 'quote)
    187                                         (eq (car-safe default) 'quote)
    188                                         (eql (cadr v) (cadr default))))
    189                                `(if ,p ,(funcall setter `(delq ,p ,getter))))
    190                               (t
    191                                `(cond
    192                                  ((not (eql ,default ,v)) ,set-exp)
    193                                  (,p ,(funcall setter
    194                                                `(delq ,p ,getter))))))
    195                             ,v))))))))))
    197 (compat-defun string-trim-left (string &optional regexp)
    198   "Trim STRING of leading string matching REGEXP.
    200 REGEXP defaults to \"[ \\t\\n\\r]+\"."
    201   :realname compat--string-trim-left
    202   :prefix t
    203   (if (string-match (concat "\\`\\(?:" (or regexp "[ \t\n\r]+") "\\)") string)
    204       (substring string (match-end 0))
    205     string))
    207 (compat-defun string-trim-right (string &optional regexp)
    208   "Trim STRING of trailing string matching REGEXP.
    210 REGEXP defaults to  \"[ \\t\\n\\r]+\"."
    211   :realname compat--string-trim-right
    212   :prefix t
    213   (let ((i (string-match-p
    214             (concat "\\(?:" (or regexp "[ \t\n\r]+") "\\)\\'")
    215             string)))
    216     (if i (substring string 0 i) string)))
    218 (compat-defun string-trim (string &optional trim-left trim-right)
    219   "Trim STRING of leading with and trailing matching TRIM-LEFT and TRIM-RIGHT.
    221 TRIM-LEFT and TRIM-RIGHT default to \"[ \\t\\n\\r]+\"."
    222   :prefix t
    223   ;; `string-trim-left' and `string-trim-right' were moved from subr-x
    224   ;; to subr in Emacs 27, so to avoid loading subr-x we use the
    225   ;; compatibility function here:
    226   (compat--string-trim-left
    227    (compat--string-trim-right
    228     string
    229     trim-right)
    230    trim-left))
    232 (compat-defun caaar (x)
    233   "Return the `car' of the `car' of the `car' of X."
    234   (declare (pure t))
    235   (car (car (car x))))
    237 (compat-defun caadr (x)
    238   "Return the `car' of the `car' of the `cdr' of X."
    239   (declare (pure t))
    240   (car (car (cdr x))))
    242 (compat-defun cadar (x)
    243   "Return the `car' of the `cdr' of the `car' of X."
    244   (declare (pure t))
    245   (car (cdr (car x))))
    247 (compat-defun caddr (x)
    248   "Return the `car' of the `cdr' of the `cdr' of X."
    249   (declare (pure t))
    250   (car (cdr (cdr x))))
    252 (compat-defun cdaar (x)
    253   "Return the `cdr' of the `car' of the `car' of X."
    254   (declare (pure t))
    255   (cdr (car (car x))))
    257 (compat-defun cdadr (x)
    258   "Return the `cdr' of the `car' of the `cdr' of X."
    259   (declare (pure t))
    260   (cdr (car (cdr x))))
    262 (compat-defun cddar (x)
    263   "Return the `cdr' of the `cdr' of the `car' of X."
    264   (declare (pure t))
    265   (cdr (cdr (car x))))
    267 (compat-defun cdddr (x)
    268   "Return the `cdr' of the `cdr' of the `cdr' of X."
    269   (declare (pure t))
    270   (cdr (cdr (cdr x))))
    272 (compat-defun caaaar (x)
    273   "Return the `car' of the `car' of the `car' of the `car' of X."
    274   (declare (pure t))
    275   (car (car (car (car x)))))
    277 (compat-defun caaadr (x)
    278   "Return the `car' of the `car' of the `car' of the `cdr' of X."
    279   (declare (pure t))
    280   (car (car (car (cdr x)))))
    282 (compat-defun caadar (x)
    283   "Return the `car' of the `car' of the `cdr' of the `car' of X."
    284   (declare (pure t))
    285   (car (car (cdr (car x)))))
    287 (compat-defun caaddr (x)
    288   "Return the `car' of the `car' of the `cdr' of the `cdr' of X."
    289   (declare (pure t))
    290   (car (car (cdr (cdr x)))))
    292 (compat-defun cadaar (x)
    293   "Return the `car' of the `cdr' of the `car' of the `car' of X."
    294   (declare (pure t))
    295   (car (cdr (car (car x)))))
    297 (compat-defun cadadr (x)
    298   "Return the `car' of the `cdr' of the `car' of the `cdr' of X."
    299   (declare (pure t))
    300   (car (cdr (car (cdr x)))))
    302 (compat-defun caddar (x)
    303   "Return the `car' of the `cdr' of the `cdr' of the `car' of X."
    304   (declare (pure t))
    305   (car (cdr (cdr (car x)))))
    307 (compat-defun cadddr (x)
    308   "Return the `car' of the `cdr' of the `cdr' of the `cdr' of X."
    309   (declare (pure t))
    310   (car (cdr (cdr (cdr x)))))
    312 (compat-defun cdaaar (x)
    313   "Return the `cdr' of the `car' of the `car' of the `car' of X."
    314   (declare (pure t))
    315   (cdr (car (car (car x)))))
    317 (compat-defun cdaadr (x)
    318   "Return the `cdr' of the `car' of the `car' of the `cdr' of X."
    319   (declare (pure t))
    320   (cdr (car (car (cdr x)))))
    322 (compat-defun cdadar (x)
    323   "Return the `cdr' of the `car' of the `cdr' of the `car' of X."
    324   (declare (pure t))
    325   (cdr (car (cdr (car x)))))
    327 (compat-defun cdaddr (x)
    328   "Return the `cdr' of the `car' of the `cdr' of the `cdr' of X."
    329   (declare (pure t))
    330   (cdr (car (cdr (cdr x)))))
    332 (compat-defun cddaar (x)
    333   "Return the `cdr' of the `cdr' of the `car' of the `car' of X."
    334   (declare (pure t))
    335   (cdr (cdr (car (car x)))))
    337 (compat-defun cddadr (x)
    338   "Return the `cdr' of the `cdr' of the `car' of the `cdr' of X."
    339   (declare (pure t))
    340   (cdr (cdr (car (cdr x)))))
    342 (compat-defun cdddar (x)
    343   "Return the `cdr' of the `cdr' of the `cdr' of the `car' of X."
    344   (declare (pure t))
    345   (cdr (cdr (cdr (car x)))))
    347 (compat-defun cddddr (x)
    348   "Return the `cdr' of the `cdr' of the `cdr' of the `cdr' of X."
    349   (declare (pure t))
    350   (cdr (cdr (cdr (cdr x)))))
    352 (compat-defvar gensym-counter 0
    353   "Number used to construct the name of the next symbol created by `gensym'.")
    355 (compat-defun gensym (&optional prefix)
    356   "Return a new uninterned symbol.
    357 The name is made by appending `gensym-counter' to PREFIX.
    358 PREFIX is a string, and defaults to \"g\"."
    359   (let ((num (prog1 gensym-counter
    360                (setq gensym-counter
    361                      (1+ gensym-counter)))))
    362     (make-symbol (format "%s%d" (or prefix "g") num))))
    364 ;;;; Defined in files.el
    366 (declare-function temporary-file-directory nil)
    368 ;;* UNTESTED
    369 (compat-defun make-nearby-temp-file (prefix &optional dir-flag suffix)
    370   "Create a temporary file as close as possible to `default-directory'.
    371 If PREFIX is a relative file name, and `default-directory' is a
    372 remote file name or located on a mounted file systems, the
    373 temporary file is created in the directory returned by the
    374 function `temporary-file-directory'.  Otherwise, the function
    375 `make-temp-file' is used.  PREFIX, DIR-FLAG and SUFFIX have the
    376 same meaning as in `make-temp-file'."
    377   (let ((handler (find-file-name-handler
    378                   default-directory 'make-nearby-temp-file)))
    379     (if (and handler (not (file-name-absolute-p default-directory)))
    380         (funcall handler 'make-nearby-temp-file prefix dir-flag suffix)
    381       (let ((temporary-file-directory (temporary-file-directory)))
    382         (make-temp-file prefix dir-flag suffix)))))
    384 (compat-defvar mounted-file-systems
    385     (eval-when-compile
    386       (if (memq system-type '(windows-nt cygwin))
    387           "^//[^/]+/"
    388         (concat
    389          "^" (regexp-opt '("/afs/" "/media/" "/mnt" "/net/" "/tmp_mnt/")))))
    390   "File systems that ought to be mounted.")
    392 (compat-defun file-local-name (file)
    393   "Return the local name component of FILE.
    394 This function removes from FILE the specification of the remote host
    395 and the method of accessing the host, leaving only the part that
    396 identifies FILE locally on the remote system.
    397 The returned file name can be used directly as argument of
    398 `process-file', `start-file-process', or `shell-command'."
    399   :realname compat--file-local-name
    400   (or (file-remote-p file 'localname) file))
    402 (compat-defun file-name-quoted-p (name &optional top)
    403   "Whether NAME is quoted with prefix \"/:\".
    404 If NAME is a remote file name and TOP is nil, check the local part of NAME."
    405   :realname compat--file-name-quoted-p
    406   (let ((file-name-handler-alist (unless top file-name-handler-alist)))
    407     (string-prefix-p "/:" (compat--file-local-name name))))
    409 (compat-defun file-name-quote (name &optional top)
    410   "Add the quotation prefix \"/:\" to file NAME.
    411 If NAME is a remote file name and TOP is nil, the local part of
    412 NAME is quoted.  If NAME is already a quoted file name, NAME is
    413 returned unchanged."
    414   (let ((file-name-handler-alist (unless top file-name-handler-alist)))
    415     (if (compat--file-name-quoted-p name top)
    416         name
    417       (concat (file-remote-p name) "/:" (compat--file-local-name name)))))
    419 ;;* UNTESTED
    420 (compat-defun temporary-file-directory ()
    421   "The directory for writing temporary files.
    422 In case of a remote `default-directory', this is a directory for
    423 temporary files on that remote host.  If such a directory does
    424 not exist, or `default-directory' ought to be located on a
    425 mounted file system (see `mounted-file-systems'), the function
    426 returns `default-directory'.
    427 For a non-remote and non-mounted `default-directory', the value of
    428 the variable `temporary-file-directory' is returned."
    429   (let ((handler (find-file-name-handler
    430                   default-directory 'temporary-file-directory)))
    431     (if handler
    432         (funcall handler 'temporary-file-directory)
    433       (if (string-match mounted-file-systems default-directory)
    434           default-directory
    435         temporary-file-directory))))
    437 ;;* UNTESTED
    438 (compat-defun file-attribute-type (attributes)
    439   "The type field in ATTRIBUTES returned by `file-attributes'.
    440 The value is either t for directory, string (name linked to) for
    441 symbolic link, or nil."
    442   (nth 0 attributes))
    444 ;;* UNTESTED
    445 (compat-defun file-attribute-link-number (attributes)
    446   "Return the number of links in ATTRIBUTES returned by `file-attributes'."
    447   (nth 1 attributes))
    449 ;;* UNTESTED
    450 (compat-defun file-attribute-user-id (attributes)
    451   "The UID field in ATTRIBUTES returned by `file-attributes'.
    452 This is either a string or a number.  If a string value cannot be
    453 looked up, a numeric value, either an integer or a float, is
    454 returned."
    455   (nth 2 attributes))
    457 ;;* UNTESTED
    458 (compat-defun file-attribute-group-id (attributes)
    459   "The GID field in ATTRIBUTES returned by `file-attributes'.
    460 This is either a string or a number.  If a string value cannot be
    461 looked up, a numeric value, either an integer or a float, is
    462 returned."
    463   (nth 3 attributes))
    465 ;;* UNTESTED
    466 (compat-defun file-attribute-access-time (attributes)
    467   "The last access time in ATTRIBUTES returned by `file-attributes'.
    468 This a Lisp timestamp in the style of `current-time'."
    469   (nth 4 attributes))
    471 ;;* UNTESTED
    472 (compat-defun file-attribute-modification-time (attributes)
    473   "The modification time in ATTRIBUTES returned by `file-attributes'.
    474 This is the time of the last change to the file's contents, and
    475 is a Lisp timestamp in the style of `current-time'."
    476   (nth 5 attributes))
    478 ;;* UNTESTED
    479 (compat-defun file-attribute-status-change-time (attributes)
    480   "The status modification time in ATTRIBUTES returned by `file-attributes'.
    481 This is the time of last change to the file's attributes: owner
    482 and group, access mode bits, etc., and is a Lisp timestamp in the
    483 style of `current-time'."
    484   (nth 6 attributes))
    486 ;;* UNTESTED
    487 (compat-defun file-attribute-size (attributes)
    488   "The integer size (in bytes) in ATTRIBUTES returned by `file-attributes'."
    489   (nth 7 attributes))
    491 ;;* UNTESTED
    492 (compat-defun file-attribute-modes (attributes)
    493   "The file modes in ATTRIBUTES returned by `file-attributes'.
    494 This is a string of ten letters or dashes as in ls -l."
    495   (nth 8 attributes))
    497 ;;* UNTESTED
    498 (compat-defun file-attribute-inode-number (attributes)
    499   "The inode number in ATTRIBUTES returned by `file-attributes'.
    500 It is a nonnegative integer."
    501   (nth 10 attributes))
    503 ;;* UNTESTED
    504 (compat-defun file-attribute-device-number (attributes)
    505   "The file system device number in ATTRIBUTES returned by `file-attributes'.
    506 It is an integer."
    507   (nth 11 attributes))
    509 (compat-defun file-attribute-collect (attributes &rest attr-names)
    510   "Return a sublist of ATTRIBUTES returned by `file-attributes'.
    511 ATTR-NAMES are symbols with the selected attribute names.
    513 Valid attribute names are: type, link-number, user-id, group-id,
    514 access-time, modification-time, status-change-time, size, modes,
    515 inode-number and device-number."
    516   (let ((idx '((type . 0)
    517                (link-number . 1)
    518                (user-id . 2)
    519                (group-id . 3)
    520                (access-time . 4)
    521                (modification-time . 5)
    522                (status-change-time . 6)
    523                (size . 7)
    524                (modes . 8)
    525                (inode-number . 10)
    526                (device-number . 11)))
    527         result)
    528     (while attr-names
    529       (let ((attr (pop attr-names)))
    530         (if (assq attr idx)
    531             (push (nth (cdr (assq attr idx))
    532                        attributes)
    533                   result)
    534           (error "Wrong attribute name '%S'" attr))))
    535     (nreverse result)))
    537 ;;;; Defined in subr-x.el
    539 (compat-defmacro if-let* (varlist then &rest else)
    540   "Bind variables according to VARLIST and evaluate THEN or ELSE.
    541 This is like `if-let' but doesn't handle a VARLIST of the form
    542 \(SYMBOL SOMETHING) specially."
    543   :realname compat--if-let*
    544   :feature 'subr-x
    545   (declare (indent 2)
    546            (debug ((&rest [&or symbolp (symbolp form) (form)])
    547                    body)))
    548   (let ((empty (make-symbol "s"))
    549         (last t) list)
    550     (dolist (var varlist)
    551       (push `(,(if (cdr var) (car var) empty)
    552               (and ,last ,(or (cadr var) (car var))))
    553             list)
    554       (when (or (cdr var) (consp (car var)))
    555         (setq last (caar list))))
    556     `(let* ,(nreverse list)
    557        (if ,(caar list) ,then ,@else))))
    559 (compat-defmacro when-let* (varlist &rest body)
    560   "Bind variables according to VARLIST and conditionally evaluate BODY.
    561 This is like `when-let' but doesn't handle a VARLIST of the form
    562 \(SYMBOL SOMETHING) specially."
    563   ;; :feature 'subr-x
    564   (declare (indent 1) (debug if-let*))
    565   (let ((empty (make-symbol "s"))
    566         (last t) list)
    567     (dolist (var varlist)
    568       (push `(,(if (cdr var) (car var) empty)
    569               (and ,last ,(or (cadr var) (car var))))
    570             list)
    571       (when (or (cdr var) (consp (car var)))
    572         (setq last (caar list))))
    573     `(let* ,(nreverse list)
    574        (when ,(caar list) ,@body))))
    576 (compat-defmacro and-let* (varlist &rest body)
    577   "Bind variables according to VARLIST and conditionally evaluate BODY.
    578 Like `when-let*', except if BODY is empty and all the bindings
    579 are non-nil, then the result is non-nil."
    580   :feature 'subr-x
    581   (declare (indent 1) (debug if-let*))
    582   (let ((empty (make-symbol "s"))
    583         (last t) list)
    584     (dolist (var varlist)
    585       (push `(,(if (cdr var) (car var) empty)
    586               (and ,last ,(or (cadr var) (car var))))
    587             list)
    588       (when (or (cdr var) (consp (car var)))
    589         (setq last (caar list))))
    590     `(let* ,(nreverse list)
    591        (if ,(caar list) ,(macroexp-progn (or body '(t)))))))
    593 ;;;; Defined in image.el
    595 ;;* UNTESTED
    596 (compat-defun image-property (image property)
    597   "Return the value of PROPERTY in IMAGE.
    598 Properties can be set with
    600   (setf (image-property IMAGE PROPERTY) VALUE)
    602 If VALUE is nil, PROPERTY is removed from IMAGE."
    603   (plist-get (cdr image) property))
    605 ;;* UNTESTED
    606 (unless (get 'image-property 'gv-expander)
    607   (gv-define-setter image-property (image property value)
    608     (let ((image* (make-symbol "image"))
    609           (property* (make-symbol "property"))
    610           (value* (make-symbol "value")))
    611       `(let ((,image* ,image)
    612              (,property* ,property)
    613              (,value* ,value))
    614          (if
    615              (null ,value*)
    616              (while
    617                  (cdr ,image*)
    618                (if
    619                    (eq
    620                     (cadr ,image*)
    621                     ,property*)
    622                    (setcdr ,image*
    623                            (cdddr ,image*))
    624                  (setq ,image*
    625                        (cddr ,image*))))
    626            (setcdr ,image*
    627                    (plist-put
    628                     (cdr ,image*)
    629                     ,property* ,value*)))))))
    631 ;;;; Defined in rmc.el
    633 ;;*UNTESTED
    634 (compat-defun read-multiple-choice
    635     (prompt choices &optional _help-string _show-help long-form)
    636   "Ask user to select an entry from CHOICES, promting with PROMPT.
    637 This function allows to ask the user a multiple-choice question.
    639 CHOICES should be a list of the form (KEY NAME [DESCRIPTION]).
    640 KEY is a character the user should type to select the entry.
    641 NAME is a short name for the entry to be displayed while prompting
    642 \(if there's no room, it might be shortened).
    644 If LONG-FORM, do a `completing-read' over the NAME elements in
    645 CHOICES instead."
    646   :note "This is a partial implementation of `read-multiple-choice', that
    647 among other things doesn't offer any help and ignores the
    648 optional DESCRIPTION field."
    649   (if long-form
    650       (let ((options (mapconcat #'cadr choices "/"))
    651             choice)
    652         (setq prompt (concat prompt " (" options "): "))
    653         (setq choice (completing-read prompt (mapcar #'cadr choices) nil t))
    654         (catch 'found
    655           (dolist (option choices)
    656             (when (string= choice (cadr option))
    657               (throw 'found option)))
    658           (error "Invalid choice")))
    659     (let ((options
    660            (mapconcat
    661             (lambda (opt)
    662               (format
    663                "[%s] %s"
    664                (key-description (string (car opt)))
    665                (cadr opt)))
    666             choices " "))
    667           choice)
    668       (setq prompt (concat prompt " (" options "): "))
    669       (while (not (setq choice (assq (read-char prompt) choices)))
    670         (message "Invalid choice")
    671         (sit-for 1))
    672       choice)))
    674 (compat--inhibit-prefixed (provide 'compat-26))
    675 ;;; compat-26.el ends here