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compat-25.el (11414B)

      1 ;;; compat-25.el --- Compatibility Layer for Emacs 25.1  -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
      3 ;; Copyright (C) 2021, 2022 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
      5 ;; Author: Philip Kaludercic <>
      6 ;; Maintainer: Compat Development <~pkal/>
      7 ;; URL:
      8 ;; Keywords: lisp
     10 ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
     11 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
     12 ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
     13 ;; (at your option) any later version.
     15 ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
     16 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
     18 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
     20 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
     21 ;; along with this program.  If not, see <>.
     23 ;;; Commentary:
     25 ;; Find here the functionality added in Emacs 25.1, needed by older
     26 ;; versions.
     27 ;;
     28 ;; Only load this library if you need to use one of the following
     29 ;; functions:
     30 ;;
     31 ;; - `compat-sort'
     33 ;;; Code:
     35 (require 'compat-macs "compat-macs.el")
     37 (compat-declare-version "25.1")
     39 ;;;; Defined in alloc.c
     41 (compat-defun bool-vector (&rest objects)
     42   "Return a new bool-vector with specified arguments as elements.
     43 Allows any number of arguments, including zero.
     44 usage: (bool-vector &rest OBJECTS)"
     45   (let ((vec (make-bool-vector (length objects) nil))
     46         (i 0))
     47     (while objects
     48       (when (car objects)
     49         (aset vec i t))
     50       (setq objects (cdr objects)
     51             i (1+ i)))
     52     vec))
     54 ;;;; Defined in fns.c
     56 (compat-defun sort (seq predicate)
     57   "Extend `sort' to sort SEQ as a vector."
     58   :prefix t
     59   (cond
     60    ((listp seq)
     61     (sort seq predicate))
     62    ((vectorp seq)
     63     (let ((cseq (sort (append seq nil) predicate)))
     64       (dotimes (i (length cseq))
     65         (setf (aref seq i) (nth i cseq)))
     66       (apply #'vector cseq)))
     67    ((signal 'wrong-type-argument 'list-or-vector-p))))
     69 ;;;; Defined in editfns.c
     71 (compat-defun format-message (string &rest objects)
     72   "Format a string out of a format-string and arguments.
     73 The first argument is a format control string.
     74 The other arguments are substituted into it to make the result, a string.
     76 This implementation is equivalent to `format'."
     77   (apply #'format string objects))
     79 ;;;; Defined in minibuf.c
     81 ;; TODO advise read-buffer to handle 4th argument
     83 ;;;; Defined in fileio.c
     85 (compat-defun directory-name-p (name)
     86   "Return non-nil if NAME ends with a directory separator character."
     87   :realname compat--directory-name-p
     88   (eq (eval-when-compile
     89         (if (memq system-type '(cygwin windows-nt ms-dos))
     90             ?\\ ?/))
     91       (aref name (1- (length name)))))
     93 ;;;; Defined in subr.el
     95 (compat-defun string-greaterp (string1 string2)
     96   "Return non-nil if STRING1 is greater than STRING2 in lexicographic order.
     97 Case is significant.
     98 Symbols are also allowed; their print names are used instead."
     99   (string-lessp string2 string1))
    101 ;;* UNTESTED
    102 (compat-defmacro with-file-modes (modes &rest body)
    103   "Execute BODY with default file permissions temporarily set to MODES.
    104 MODES is as for `set-default-file-modes'."
    105   (declare (indent 1) (debug t))
    106   (let ((umask (make-symbol "umask")))
    107     `(let ((,umask (default-file-modes)))
    108        (unwind-protect
    109            (progn
    110              (set-default-file-modes ,modes)
    111              ,@body)
    112          (set-default-file-modes ,umask)))))
    114 (compat-defun alist-get (key alist &optional default remove testfn)
    115   "Find the first element of ALIST whose `car' equals KEY and return its `cdr'.
    116 If KEY is not found in ALIST, return DEFAULT.
    117 Equality with KEY is tested by TESTFN, defaulting to `eq'."
    118   :realname compat--alist-get-full-elisp
    119   (ignore remove)
    120   (let (entry)
    121     (cond
    122      ((or (null testfn) (eq testfn 'eq))
    123       (setq entry (assq key alist)))
    124      ((eq testfn 'equal)
    125       (setq entry (assoc key alist)))
    126      ((catch 'found
    127         (dolist (ent alist)
    128           (when (and (consp ent) (funcall testfn (car ent) key))
    129             (throw 'found (setq entry ent))))
    130         default)))
    131     (if entry (cdr entry) default)))
    133 ;;;; Defined in subr-x.el
    135 (compat-defmacro if-let (spec then &rest else)
    136   "Bind variables according to SPEC and evaluate THEN or ELSE.
    137 Evaluate each binding in turn, as in `let*', stopping if a
    138 binding value is nil.  If all are non-nil return the value of
    139 THEN, otherwise the last form in ELSE.
    141 Each element of SPEC is a list (SYMBOL VALUEFORM) that binds
    142 SYMBOL to the value of VALUEFORM.  An element can additionally be
    143 of the form (VALUEFORM), which is evaluated and checked for nil;
    144 i.e. SYMBOL can be omitted if only the test result is of
    145 interest.  It can also be of the form SYMBOL, then the binding of
    146 SYMBOL is checked for nil.
    148 As a special case, interprets a SPEC of the form \(SYMBOL SOMETHING)
    149 like \((SYMBOL SOMETHING)).  This exists for backward compatibility
    150 with an old syntax that accepted only one binding."
    151   :realname compat--if-let
    152   :feature 'subr-x
    153   (declare (indent 2)
    154            (debug ([&or (symbolp form)
    155                         (&rest [&or symbolp (symbolp form) (form)])]
    156                    body)))
    157   (when (and (<= (length spec) 2)
    158              (not (listp (car spec))))
    159     ;; Adjust the single binding case
    160     (setq spec (list spec)))
    161   `(compat--if-let* ,spec ,then ,(macroexp-progn else)))
    163 (compat-defmacro when-let (spec &rest body)
    164   "Bind variables according to SPEC and conditionally evaluate BODY.
    165 Evaluate each binding in turn, stopping if a binding value is nil.
    166 If all are non-nil, return the value of the last form in BODY.
    168 The variable list SPEC is the same as in `if-let'."
    169   :feature 'subr-x
    170   (declare (indent 1) (debug if-let))
    171   `(compat--if-let ,spec ,(macroexp-progn body)))
    173 (compat-defmacro thread-first (&rest forms)
    174   "Thread FORMS elements as the first argument of their successor.
    175 Example:
    176     (thread-first
    177       5
    178       (+ 20)
    179       (/ 25)
    180       -
    181       (+ 40))
    182 Is equivalent to:
    183     (+ (- (/ (+ 5 20) 25)) 40)
    184 Note how the single `-' got converted into a list before
    185 threading."
    186   :feature 'subr-x
    187   (declare (indent 1)
    188            (debug (form &rest [&or symbolp (sexp &rest form)])))
    189   (let ((body (car forms)))
    190     (dolist (form (cdr forms))
    191       (when (symbolp form)
    192         (setq form (list form)))
    193       (setq body (append (list (car form))
    194                          (list body)
    195                          (cdr form))))
    196     body))
    198 (compat-defmacro thread-last (&rest forms)
    199   "Thread FORMS elements as the last argument of their successor.
    200 Example:
    201     (thread-last
    202       5
    203       (+ 20)
    204       (/ 25)
    205       -
    206       (+ 40))
    207 Is equivalent to:
    208     (+ 40 (- (/ 25 (+ 20 5))))
    209 Note how the single `-' got converted into a list before
    210 threading."
    211   :feature 'subr-x
    212   (declare (indent 1) (debug thread-first))
    213   (let ((body (car forms)))
    214     (dolist (form (cdr forms))
    215       (when (symbolp form)
    216         (setq form (list form)))
    217       (setq body (append form (list body))))
    218     body))
    220 ;;;; Defined in macroexp.el
    222 (declare-function macrop nil (object))
    223 (compat-defun macroexpand-1 (form &optional environment)
    224   "Perform (at most) one step of macro expansion."
    225   :feature 'macroexp
    226   (cond
    227    ((consp form)
    228     (let* ((head (car form))
    229            (env-expander (assq head environment)))
    230       (if env-expander
    231           (if (cdr env-expander)
    232               (apply (cdr env-expander) (cdr form))
    233             form)
    234         (if (not (and (symbolp head) (fboundp head)))
    235             form
    236           (let ((def (autoload-do-load (symbol-function head) head 'macro)))
    237             (cond
    238              ;; Follow alias, but only for macros, otherwise we may end up
    239              ;; skipping an important compiler-macro (e.g. cl--block-wrapper).
    240              ((and (symbolp def) (macrop def)) (cons def (cdr form)))
    241              ((not (consp def)) form)
    242              (t
    243               (if (eq 'macro (car def))
    244                   (apply (cdr def) (cdr form))
    245                 form))))))))
    246    (t form)))
    248 ;;;; Defined in byte-run.el
    250 ;;* UNTESTED
    251 (compat-defun function-put (func prop value)
    252   "Set FUNCTION's property PROP to VALUE.
    253 The namespace for PROP is shared with symbols.
    254 So far, FUNCTION can only be a symbol, not a lambda expression."
    255   :version "24.4"
    256   (put func prop value))
    258 ;;;; Defined in files.el
    260 ;;* UNTESTED
    261 (compat-defun directory-files-recursively
    262     (dir regexp &optional include-directories predicate follow-symlinks)
    263   "Return list of all files under directory DIR whose names match REGEXP.
    264 This function works recursively.  Files are returned in \"depth
    265 first\" order, and files from each directory are sorted in
    266 alphabetical order.  Each file name appears in the returned list
    267 in its absolute form.
    269 By default, the returned list excludes directories, but if
    270 optional argument INCLUDE-DIRECTORIES is non-nil, they are
    271 included.
    273 PREDICATE can be either nil (which means that all subdirectories
    274 of DIR are descended into), t (which means that subdirectories that
    275 can't be read are ignored), or a function (which is called with
    276 the name of each subdirectory, and should return non-nil if the
    277 subdirectory is to be descended into).
    279 If FOLLOW-SYMLINKS is non-nil, symbolic links that point to
    280 directories are followed.  Note that this can lead to infinite
    281 recursion."
    282   :realname compat--directory-files-recursively
    283   (let* ((result nil)
    284          (files nil)
    285          (dir (directory-file-name dir))
    286          ;; When DIR is "/", remote file names like "/method:" could
    287          ;; also be offered.  We shall suppress them.
    288          (tramp-mode (and tramp-mode (file-remote-p (expand-file-name dir)))))
    289     (dolist (file (sort (file-name-all-completions "" dir)
    290                         'string<))
    291       (unless (member file '("./" "../"))
    292         (if (directory-name-p file)
    293             (let* ((leaf (substring file 0 (1- (length file))))
    294                    (full-file (concat dir "/" leaf)))
    295               ;; Don't follow symlinks to other directories.
    296               (when (and (or (not (file-symlink-p full-file))
    297                              (and (file-symlink-p full-file)
    298                                   follow-symlinks))
    299                          ;; Allow filtering subdirectories.
    300                          (or (eq predicate nil)
    301                              (eq predicate t)
    302                              (funcall predicate full-file)))
    303                 (let ((sub-files
    304                        (if (eq predicate t)
    305                            (condition-case nil
    306                                (compat--directory-files-recursively
    307                                 full-file regexp include-directories
    308                                 predicate follow-symlinks)
    309                              (file-error nil))
    310                          (compat--directory-files-recursively
    311                           full-file regexp include-directories
    312                           predicate follow-symlinks))))
    313                   (setq result (nconc result sub-files))))
    314               (when (and include-directories
    315                          (string-match regexp leaf))
    316                 (setq result (nconc result (list full-file)))))
    317           (when (string-match regexp file)
    318             (push (concat dir "/" file) files)))))
    319     (nconc result (nreverse files))))
    321 (compat--inhibit-prefixed (provide 'compat-25))
    322 ;;; compat-25.el ends here