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ace-window.el (34993B)

      1 ;;; ace-window.el --- Quickly switch windows. -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
      3 ;; Copyright (C) 2015-2020  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
      5 ;; Author: Oleh Krehel <>
      6 ;; Maintainer: Oleh Krehel <>
      7 ;; URL:
      8 ;; Version: 0.10.0
      9 ;; Package-Requires: ((avy "0.5.0"))
     10 ;; Keywords: window, location
     12 ;; This file is part of GNU Emacs.
     14 ;; This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
     15 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
     16 ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
     17 ;; any later version.
     19 ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
     20 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
     22 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
     24 ;; For a full copy of the GNU General Public License
     25 ;; see <>.
     27 ;;; Commentary:
     28 ;;
     29 ;; The main function, `ace-window' is meant to replace `other-window'
     30 ;; by assigning each window a short, unique label.  When there are only
     31 ;; two windows present, `other-window' is called (unless
     32 ;; aw-dispatch-always is set non-nil).  If there are more, each
     33 ;; window will have its first label character highlighted.  Once a
     34 ;; unique label is typed, ace-window will switch to that window.
     35 ;;
     36 ;; To setup this package, just add to your .emacs:
     37 ;;
     38 ;;    (global-set-key (kbd "M-o") 'ace-window)
     39 ;;
     40 ;; replacing "M-o"  with an appropriate shortcut.
     41 ;;
     42 ;; By default, ace-window uses numbers for window labels so the window
     43 ;; labeling is intuitively ordered.  But if you prefer to type keys on
     44 ;; your home row for quicker access, use this setting:
     45 ;;
     46 ;;    (setq aw-keys '(?a ?s ?d ?f ?g ?h ?j ?k ?l))
     47 ;;
     48 ;; Whenever ace-window prompts for a window selection, it grays out
     49 ;; all the window characters, highlighting window labels in red.  To
     50 ;; disable this behavior, set this:
     51 ;;
     52 ;;    (setq aw-background nil)
     53 ;;
     54 ;; If you want to know the selection characters ahead of time, turn on
     55 ;; `ace-window-display-mode'.
     56 ;;
     57 ;; When prefixed with one `universal-argument', instead of switching
     58 ;; to the selected window, the selected window is swapped with the
     59 ;; current one.
     60 ;;
     61 ;; When prefixed with two `universal-argument', the selected window is
     62 ;; deleted instead.
     64 ;;; Code:
     65 (require 'avy)
     66 (require 'ring)
     67 (require 'subr-x)
     69 ;;* Customization
     70 (defgroup ace-window nil
     71   "Quickly switch current window."
     72   :group 'convenience
     73   :prefix "aw-")
     75 (defcustom aw-keys '(?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 ?6 ?7 ?8 ?9)
     76   "Keys for selecting window."
     77   :type '(repeat character))
     79 (defcustom aw-scope 'global
     80   "The scope used by `ace-window'."
     81   :type '(choice
     82           (const :tag "visible frames" visible)
     83           (const :tag "global" global)
     84           (const :tag "frame" frame)))
     86 (defcustom aw-translate-char-function #'identity
     87   "Function to translate user input key into another key.
     88 For example, to make SPC do the same as ?a, use
     89 \(lambda (c) (if (= c 32) ?a c))."
     90   :type '(choice
     91           (const :tag "Off" #'identity)
     92           (const :tag "Ignore Case" #'downcase)
     93           (function :tag "Custom")))
     95 (defcustom aw-minibuffer-flag nil
     96   "When non-nil, also display `ace-window-mode' string in the minibuffer when ace-window is active."
     97   :type 'boolean)
     99 (defcustom aw-ignored-buffers '("*Calc Trail*" " *LV*")
    100   "List of buffers and major-modes to ignore when choosing a window from the window list.
    101 Active only when `aw-ignore-on' is non-nil."
    102   :type '(repeat string))
    104 (defcustom aw-ignore-on t
    105   "When t, `ace-window' will ignore buffers and major-modes in `aw-ignored-buffers'.
    106 Use M-0 `ace-window' to toggle this value."
    107   :type 'boolean)
    109 (defcustom aw-ignore-current nil
    110   "When t, `ace-window' will ignore `selected-window'."
    111   :type 'boolean)
    113 (defcustom aw-background t
    114   "When t, `ace-window' will dim out all buffers temporarily when used."
    115   :type 'boolean)
    117 (defcustom aw-leading-char-style 'char
    118   "Style of the leading char overlay."
    119   :type '(choice
    120           (const :tag "single char" 'char)
    121           (const :tag "full path" 'path)))
    123 (defcustom aw-dispatch-always nil
    124   "When non-nil, `ace-window' will issue a `read-char' even for one window.
    125 This will make `ace-window' act different from `other-window' for
    126   one or two windows."
    127   :type 'boolean)
    129 (defcustom aw-dispatch-when-more-than 2
    130   "If the number of windows is more than this, activate ace-window-ness."
    131   :type 'integer)
    133 (defcustom aw-reverse-frame-list nil
    134   "When non-nil `ace-window' will order frames for selection in
    135 the reverse of `frame-list'"
    136   :type 'boolean)
    138 (defcustom aw-frame-offset '(13 . 23)
    139   "Increase in pixel offset for new ace-window frames relative to the selected frame.
    140 Its value is an (x-offset . y-offset) pair in pixels."
    141   :type '(cons integer integer))
    143 (defcustom aw-frame-size nil
    144   "Frame size to make new ace-window frames.
    145 Its value is a (width . height) pair in pixels or nil for the default frame size.
    146 (0 . 0) is special and means make the frame size the same as the last selected frame size."
    147   :type '(cons integer integer))
    149 (defcustom aw-char-position 'top-left
    150   "Window positions of the character overlay.
    151 Consider changing this if the overlay tends to overlap with other things."
    152   :type '(choice
    153           (const :tag "top left corner only" 'top-left)
    154           (const :tag "both left corners" 'left)))
    156 ;; Must be defined before `aw-make-frame-char' since its :set function references this.
    157 (defvar aw-dispatch-alist
    158   '((?x aw-delete-window "Delete Window")
    159     (?m aw-swap-window "Swap Windows")
    160     (?M aw-move-window "Move Window")
    161     (?c aw-copy-window "Copy Window")
    162     (?j aw-switch-buffer-in-window "Select Buffer")
    163     (?n aw-flip-window)
    164     (?u aw-switch-buffer-other-window "Switch Buffer Other Window")
    165     (?e aw-execute-command-other-window "Execute Command Other Window")
    166     (?F aw-split-window-fair "Split Fair Window")
    167     (?v aw-split-window-vert "Split Vert Window")
    168     (?b aw-split-window-horz "Split Horz Window")
    169     (?o delete-other-windows "Delete Other Windows")
    170     (?T aw-transpose-frame "Transpose Frame")
    171     ;; ?i ?r ?t are used by hyperbole.el
    172     (?? aw-show-dispatch-help))
    173   "List of actions for `aw-dispatch-default'.
    174 Each action is a list of either:
    175   (char function description) where function takes a single window argument
    176 or
    177   (char function) where function takes no argument and the description is omitted.")
    179 (defun aw-set-make-frame-char (option value)
    180   ;; Signal an error if `aw-make-frame-char' is ever set to an invalid
    181   ;; or conflicting value.
    182   (when value
    183     (cond ((not (characterp value))
    184            (user-error "`aw-make-frame-char' must be a character, not `%s'" value))
    185           ((memq value aw-keys)
    186            (user-error "`aw-make-frame-char' is `%c'; this conflicts with the same character in `aw-keys'" value))
    187           ((assq value aw-dispatch-alist)
    188            (user-error "`aw-make-frame-char' is `%c'; this conflicts with the same character in `aw-dispatch-alist'" value))))
    189   (set option value))
    191 (defcustom aw-make-frame-char ?z
    192   "Non-existing ace window label character that triggers creation of a new single-window frame for display."
    193   :set 'aw-set-make-frame-char
    194   :type 'character)
    196 (defface aw-leading-char-face
    197   '((((class color)) (:foreground "red"))
    198     (((background dark)) (:foreground "gray100"))
    199     (((background light)) (:foreground "gray0"))
    200     (t (:foreground "gray100" :underline nil)))
    201   "Face for each window's leading char.")
    203 (defface aw-minibuffer-leading-char-face
    204   '((t :inherit aw-leading-char-face))
    205   "Face for minibuffer leading char.")
    207 (defface aw-background-face
    208   '((t (:foreground "gray40")))
    209   "Face for whole window background during selection.")
    211 (defface aw-mode-line-face
    212   '((t (:inherit mode-line-buffer-id)))
    213   "Face used for displaying the ace window key in the mode-line.")
    215 (defface aw-key-face
    216   '((t :inherit font-lock-builtin-face))
    217   "Face used by `aw-show-dispatch-help'.")
    219 ;;* Implementation
    220 (defun aw-ignored-p (window)
    221   "Return t if WINDOW should be ignored when choosing from the window list."
    222   (or (and aw-ignore-on
    223            ;; Ignore major-modes and buffer-names in `aw-ignored-buffers'.
    224            (or (memq (buffer-local-value 'major-mode (window-buffer window))
    225                      aw-ignored-buffers)
    226                (member (buffer-name (window-buffer window)) aw-ignored-buffers)))
    227       ;; ignore child frames
    228       (and (fboundp 'frame-parent) (frame-parent (window-frame window)))
    229       ;; Ignore selected window if `aw-ignore-current' is non-nil.
    230       (and aw-ignore-current
    231            (equal window (selected-window)))
    232       ;; When `ignore-window-parameters' is nil, ignore windows whose
    233       ;; `no-other-window’ or `no-delete-other-windows' parameter is non-nil.
    234       (unless ignore-window-parameters
    235         (cl-case this-command
    236           (ace-select-window (window-parameter window 'no-other-window))
    237           (ace-delete-window (window-parameter window 'no-delete-other-windows))
    238           (ace-delete-other-windows (window-parameter
    239                                      window 'no-delete-other-windows))))))
    241 (defun aw-window-list ()
    242   "Return the list of interesting windows."
    243   (sort
    244    (cl-remove-if
    245     (lambda (w)
    246       (let ((f (window-frame w)))
    247         (or (not (and (frame-live-p f)
    248                       (frame-visible-p f)))
    249             (string= "initial_terminal" (terminal-name f))
    250             (aw-ignored-p w))))
    251     (cl-case aw-scope
    252       (visible
    253        (cl-mapcan #'window-list (visible-frame-list)))
    254       (global
    255        (cl-mapcan #'window-list (frame-list)))
    256       (frame
    257        (window-list))
    258       (t
    259        (error "Invalid `aw-scope': %S" aw-scope))))
    260    'aw-window<))
    262 (defvar aw-overlays-back nil
    263   "Hold overlays for when `aw-background' is t.")
    265 (defvar ace-window-mode nil
    266   "Minor mode during the selection process.")
    268 ;; register minor mode
    269 (or (assq 'ace-window-mode minor-mode-alist)
    270     (nconc minor-mode-alist
    271            (list '(ace-window-mode ace-window-mode))))
    273 (defvar aw-empty-buffers-list nil
    274   "Store the read-only empty buffers which had to be modified.
    275 Modify them back eventually.")
    277 (defvar aw--windows-hscroll nil
    278   "List of (window . hscroll-columns) items, each listing a window whose
    279   horizontal scroll will be restored upon ace-window action completion.")
    281 (defvar aw--windows-points nil
    282   "List of (window . point) items. The point position had to be
    283   moved in order to display the overlay.")
    285 (defun aw--done ()
    286   "Clean up mode line and overlays."
    287   ;; mode line
    288   (aw-set-mode-line nil)
    289   ;; background
    290   (mapc #'delete-overlay aw-overlays-back)
    291   (setq aw-overlays-back nil)
    292   (avy--remove-leading-chars)
    293   (dolist (b aw-empty-buffers-list)
    294     (with-current-buffer b
    295       (when (string= (buffer-string) " ")
    296         (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
    297           (delete-region (point-min) (point-max))))))
    298   (setq aw-empty-buffers-list nil)
    299   (aw--restore-windows-hscroll)
    300   (let (c)
    301     (while (setq c (pop aw--windows-points))
    302       (with-selected-window (car c)
    303         (goto-char (cdr c))))))
    305 (defun aw--restore-windows-hscroll ()
    306   "Restore horizontal scroll of windows from `aw--windows-hscroll' list."
    307   (let (wnd hscroll)
    308     (mapc (lambda (wnd-and-hscroll)
    309             (setq wnd (car wnd-and-hscroll)
    310                   hscroll (cdr wnd-and-hscroll))
    311             (when (window-live-p wnd)
    312               (set-window-hscroll wnd hscroll)))
    313           aw--windows-hscroll))
    314   (setq aw--windows-hscroll nil))
    316 (defun aw--overlay-str (wnd pos path)
    317   "Return the replacement text for an overlay in WND at POS,
    318 accessible by typing PATH."
    319   (let ((old-str (or
    320                   (ignore-errors
    321                     (with-selected-window wnd
    322                       (buffer-substring pos (1+ pos))))
    323                   "")))
    324     (concat
    325      (cl-case aw-leading-char-style
    326        (char
    327         (string (avy--key-to-char (car (last path)))))
    328        (path
    329         (mapconcat
    330          (lambda (x) (string (avy--key-to-char x)))
    331          (reverse path)
    332          ""))
    333        (t
    334         (error "Bad `aw-leading-char-style': %S"
    335                aw-leading-char-style)))
    336      (cond ((string-equal old-str "\t")
    337             (make-string (1- tab-width) ?\ ))
    338            ((string-equal old-str "\n")
    339             "\n")
    340            (t
    341             (make-string
    342              (max 0 (1- (string-width old-str)))
    343              ?\ ))))))
    345 (defun aw--point-visible-p ()
    346   "Return non-nil if point is visible in the selected window.
    347 Return nil when horizontal scrolling has moved it off screen."
    348   (and (>= (- (current-column) (window-hscroll)) 0)
    349        (< (- (current-column) (window-hscroll))
    350           (window-width))))
    352 (defun aw--lead-overlay (path leaf)
    353   "Create an overlay using PATH at LEAF.
    354 LEAF is (PT . WND)."
    355   ;; Properly adds overlay in visible region of most windows except for any one
    356   ;; receiving output while this function is executing, since that moves point,
    357   ;; potentially shifting the added overlay outside the window's visible region.
    358   (let ((wnd (cdr leaf))
    359         ;; Prevent temporary movement of point from scrolling any window.
    360         (scroll-margin 0))
    361     (with-selected-window wnd
    362       (when (= 0 (buffer-size))
    363         (push (current-buffer) aw-empty-buffers-list)
    364         (let ((inhibit-read-only t))
    365           (insert " ")))
    366       ;; If point is not visible due to horizontal scrolling of the
    367       ;; window, this next expression temporarily scrolls the window
    368       ;; right until point is visible, so that the leading-char can be
    369       ;; seen when it is inserted.  When ace-window's action finishes,
    370       ;; the horizontal scroll is restored by (aw--done).
    371       (while (and (not (aw--point-visible-p))
    372                   (not (zerop (window-hscroll)))
    373                   (progn (push (cons (selected-window) (window-hscroll)) aw--windows-hscroll) t)
    374                   (not (zerop (scroll-right)))))
    375       (let* ((ws (window-start))
    376              (prev nil)
    377              (vertical-pos (if (eq aw-char-position 'left) -1 0))
    378              (horizontal-pos (if (zerop (window-hscroll)) 0 (1+ (window-hscroll))))
    379              (old-pt (point))
    380              (pt
    381               (progn
    382                 ;; If leading-char is to be displayed at the top-left, move
    383                 ;; to the first visible line in the window, otherwise, move
    384                 ;; to the last visible line.
    385                 (move-to-window-line vertical-pos)
    386                 (move-to-column horizontal-pos)
    387                 ;; Find a nearby point that is not at the end-of-line but
    388                 ;; is visible so have space for the overlay.
    389                 (setq prev (1- (point)))
    390                 (while (and (>= prev ws) (/= prev (point)) (eolp))
    391                   (setq prev (point))
    392                   (unless (bobp)
    393                     (line-move -1 t)
    394                     (move-to-column horizontal-pos)))
    395                 (recenter vertical-pos)
    396                 (point)))
    397              (ol (make-overlay pt (1+ pt) (window-buffer wnd))))
    398         (if (= (aw--face-rel-height) 1)
    399             (goto-char old-pt)
    400           (when (/= pt old-pt)
    401             (goto-char (+ pt 1))
    402             (push (cons wnd old-pt) aw--windows-points)))
    403         (overlay-put ol 'display (aw--overlay-str wnd pt path))
    404         (if (window-minibuffer-p wnd)
    405             (overlay-put ol 'face 'aw-minibuffer-leading-char-face)
    406           (overlay-put ol 'face 'aw-leading-char-face))
    407         (overlay-put ol 'window wnd)
    408         (push ol avy--overlays-lead)))))
    410 (defun aw--make-backgrounds (wnd-list)
    411   "Create a dim background overlay for each window on WND-LIST."
    412   (when aw-background
    413     (setq aw-overlays-back
    414           (mapcar (lambda (w)
    415                     (let ((ol (make-overlay
    416                                (window-start w)
    417                                (window-end w)
    418                                (window-buffer w))))
    419                       (overlay-put ol 'face 'aw-background-face)
    420                       ol))
    421                   wnd-list))))
    423 (defvar aw-dispatch-function 'aw-dispatch-default
    424   "Function to call when a character not in `aw-keys' is pressed.")
    426 (defvar aw-action nil
    427   "Function to call at the end of `aw-select'.")
    429 (defun aw-set-mode-line (str)
    430   "Set mode line indicator to STR."
    431   (setq ace-window-mode str)
    432   (when (and aw-minibuffer-flag ace-window-mode)
    433     (message "%s" (string-trim-left str)))
    434   (force-mode-line-update))
    436 (defun aw--dispatch-action (char)
    437   "Return item from `aw-dispatch-alist' matching CHAR."
    438   (assoc char aw-dispatch-alist))
    440 (defun aw-make-frame ()
    441   "Make a new Emacs frame using the values of `aw-frame-size' and `aw-frame-offset'."
    442   (make-frame
    443    (delq nil
    444          (list
    445           ;; This first parameter is important because an
    446           ;; aw-dispatch-alist command may not want to leave this
    447           ;; frame with input focus.  If it is given focus, the
    448           ;; command may not be able to return focus to a different
    449           ;; frame since this is done asynchronously by the window
    450           ;; manager.
    451           '(no-focus-on-map . t)
    452           (when aw-frame-size
    453             (cons 'width
    454                   (if (zerop (car aw-frame-size))
    455                       (frame-width)
    456                     (car aw-frame-size))))
    457           (when aw-frame-size
    458             (cons 'height
    459                   (if (zerop (cdr aw-frame-size))
    460                       (frame-height)
    461                     (car aw-frame-size))))
    462           (cons 'left (+ (car aw-frame-offset)
    463                          (car (frame-position))))
    464           (cons 'top (+ (cdr aw-frame-offset)
    465                         (cdr (frame-position))))))))
    467 (defun aw-use-frame (window)
    468   "Create a new frame using the contents of WINDOW.
    470 The new frame is set to the same size as the previous frame, offset by
    471 `aw-frame-offset' (x . y) pixels."
    472   (aw-switch-to-window window)
    473   (aw-make-frame))
    475 (defun aw-clean-up-avy-current-path ()
    476   "Edit `avy-current-path' so only window label characters remain."
    477   ;; Remove any possible ace-window command char that may
    478   ;; precede the last specified window label, so
    479   ;; functions can use `avy-current-path' as the chosen
    480   ;; window label.
    481   (when (and (> (length avy-current-path) 0)
    482              (assq (aref avy-current-path 0) aw-dispatch-alist))
    483     (setq avy-current-path (substring avy-current-path 1))))
    485 (defun aw-dispatch-default (char)
    486   "Perform an action depending on CHAR."
    487   (cond ((and (fboundp 'avy-mouse-event-window)
    488               (avy-mouse-event-window char)))
    489         ((= char (aref (kbd "C-g") 0))
    490          (throw 'done 'exit))
    491         ((and aw-make-frame-char (= char aw-make-frame-char))
    492          ;; Make a new frame and perform any action on its window.
    493          (let ((start-win (selected-window))
    494                (end-win (frame-selected-window (aw-make-frame))))
    495            (if aw-action
    496                ;; Action must be called from the start-win.  The action
    497                ;; determines which window to leave selected.
    498                (progn (select-frame-set-input-focus (window-frame start-win))
    499                       (funcall aw-action end-win))
    500              ;; Select end-win when no action
    501              (aw-switch-to-window end-win)))
    502          (throw 'done 'exit))
    503         (t
    504          (let ((action (aw--dispatch-action char)))
    505            (if action
    506                (cl-destructuring-bind (_key fn &optional description) action
    507                  (if (and fn description)
    508                      (prog1 (setq aw-action fn)
    509                        (aw-set-mode-line (format " Ace - %s" description)))
    510                    (if (commandp fn)
    511                        (call-interactively fn)
    512                      (funcall fn))
    513                    (throw 'done 'exit)))
    514              (aw-clean-up-avy-current-path)
    515              ;; Prevent any char from triggering an avy dispatch command.
    516              (let ((avy-dispatch-alist))
    517                (avy-handler-default char)))))))
    519 (defcustom aw-display-mode-overlay t
    520   "When nil, don't display overlays. Rely on the mode line instead."
    521   :type 'boolean)
    523 (defvar ace-window-display-mode)
    525 (defun aw-select (mode-line &optional action)
    526   "Return a selected other window.
    527 Amend MODE-LINE to the mode line for the duration of the selection."
    528   (setq aw-action action)
    529   (let ((start-window (selected-window))
    530         (next-window-scope (cl-case aw-scope
    531                              ('visible 'visible)
    532                              ('global 'visible)
    533                              ('frame 'frame)))
    534         (wnd-list (aw-window-list))
    535         window)
    536     (setq window
    537           (cond ((<= (length wnd-list) 1)
    538                  (when aw-dispatch-always
    539                    (setq aw-action
    540                          (unwind-protect
    541                               (catch 'done
    542                                 (funcall aw-dispatch-function (read-char)))
    543                            (aw--done)))
    544                    (when (eq aw-action 'exit)
    545                      (setq aw-action nil)))
    546                  (or (car wnd-list) start-window))
    547                 ((and (<= (+ (length wnd-list) (if (aw-ignored-p start-window) 1 0))
    548                           aw-dispatch-when-more-than)
    549                       (not aw-dispatch-always)
    550                       (not aw-ignore-current))
    551                  (let ((wnd (next-window nil nil next-window-scope)))
    552                    (while (and (or (not (memq wnd wnd-list))
    553                                    (aw-ignored-p wnd))
    554                                (not (equal wnd start-window)))
    555                      (setq wnd (next-window wnd nil next-window-scope)))
    556                    wnd))
    557                 (t
    558                  (let ((candidate-list
    559                         (mapcar (lambda (wnd)
    560                                   (cons (aw-offset wnd) wnd))
    561                                 wnd-list)))
    562                    (aw--make-backgrounds wnd-list)
    563                    (aw-set-mode-line mode-line)
    564                    ;; turn off helm transient map
    565                    (remove-hook 'post-command-hook 'helm--maybe-update-keymap)
    566                    (unwind-protect
    567                         (let* ((avy-handler-function aw-dispatch-function)
    568                                (avy-translate-char-function aw-translate-char-function)
    569                                (transient-mark-mode nil)
    570                                (res (avy-read (avy-tree candidate-list aw-keys)
    571                                               (if (and ace-window-display-mode
    572                                                        (null aw-display-mode-overlay))
    573                                                   (lambda (_path _leaf))
    574                                                 #'aw--lead-overlay)
    575                                               #'avy--remove-leading-chars)))
    576                           (if (eq res 'exit)
    577                               (setq aw-action nil)
    578                             (or (cdr res)
    579                                 start-window)))
    580                      (aw--done))))))
    581     (if aw-action
    582         (funcall aw-action window)
    583       window)))
    585 ;;* Interactive
    586 ;;;###autoload
    587 (defun ace-select-window ()
    588   "Ace select window."
    589   (interactive)
    590   (aw-select " Ace - Window"
    591              #'aw-switch-to-window))
    593 ;;;###autoload
    594 (defun ace-delete-window ()
    595   "Ace delete window."
    596   (interactive)
    597   (aw-select " Ace - Delete Window"
    598              #'aw-delete-window))
    600 ;;;###autoload
    601 (defun ace-swap-window ()
    602   "Ace swap window."
    603   (interactive)
    604   (aw-select " Ace - Swap Window"
    605              #'aw-swap-window))
    607 ;;;###autoload
    608 (defun ace-delete-other-windows ()
    609   "Ace delete other windows."
    610   (interactive)
    611   (aw-select " Ace - Delete Other Windows"
    612              #'delete-other-windows))
    614 ;;;###autoload
    615 (defun ace-display-buffer (buffer alist)
    616   "Make `display-buffer' and `pop-to-buffer' select using `ace-window'.
    617 See sample config for `display-buffer-base-action' and `display-buffer-alist':
    619   (let* ((aw-ignore-current (cdr (assq 'inhibit-same-window alist)))
    620          (rf (cdr (assq 'reusable-frames alist)))
    621          (aw-scope (cl-case rf
    622                      ((nil) 'frame)
    623                      (visible 'visible)
    624                      ((0 t) 'global))))
    625     (unless (or (<= (length (aw-window-list)) 1)
    626                 (not aw-scope))
    627       (window--display-buffer
    628        buffer (aw-select "Ace - Display Buffer") 'reuse))))
    630 (declare-function transpose-frame "ext:transpose-frame")
    631 (defun aw-transpose-frame (w)
    632   "Select any window on frame and `tranpose-frame'."
    633   (transpose-frame (window-frame w)))
    635 ;;;###autoload
    636 (defun ace-window (arg)
    637   "Select a window.
    638 Perform an action based on ARG described below.
    640 By default, behaves like extended `other-window'.
    641 See `aw-scope' which extends it to work with frames.
    643 Prefixed with one \\[universal-argument], does a swap between the
    644 selected window and the current window, so that the selected
    645 buffer moves to current window (and current buffer moves to
    646 selected window).
    648 Prefixed with two \\[universal-argument]'s, deletes the selected
    649 window."
    650   (interactive "p")
    651   (setq avy-current-path "")
    652   (cl-case arg
    653     (0
    654      (let ((aw-ignore-on (not aw-ignore-on)))
    655        (ace-select-window)))
    656     (4 (ace-swap-window))
    657     (16 (ace-delete-window))
    658     (t (ace-select-window))))
    660 ;;* Utility
    661 (unless (fboundp 'frame-position)
    662   (defun frame-position (&optional frame)
    663     (let ((pl (frame-parameter frame 'left))
    664           (pt (frame-parameter frame 'top)))
    665       (when (consp pl)
    666         (setq pl (eval pl)))
    667       (when (consp pt)
    668         (setq pt (eval pt)))
    669       (cons pl pt))))
    671 (defun aw-window< (wnd1 wnd2)
    672   "Return true if WND1 is less than WND2.
    673 This is determined by their respective window coordinates.
    674 Windows are numbered top down, left to right."
    675   (let* ((f1 (window-frame wnd1))
    676          (f2 (window-frame wnd2))
    677          (e1 (window-edges wnd1))
    678          (e2 (window-edges wnd2))
    679          (p1 (frame-position f1))
    680          (p2 (frame-position f2))
    681          (nl (or (null (car p1)) (null (car p2)))))
    682     (cond ((and (not nl) (< (car p1) (car p2)))
    683            (not aw-reverse-frame-list))
    684           ((and (not nl) (> (car p1) (car p2)))
    685            aw-reverse-frame-list)
    686           ((< (car e1) (car e2))
    687            t)
    688           ((> (car e1) (car e2))
    689            nil)
    690           ((< (cadr e1) (cadr e2))
    691            t))))
    693 (defvar aw--window-ring (make-ring 10)
    694   "Hold the window switching history.")
    696 (defun aw--push-window (window)
    697   "Store WINDOW to `aw--window-ring'."
    698   (when (or (zerop (ring-length aw--window-ring))
    699             (not (equal
    700                   (ring-ref aw--window-ring 0)
    701                   window)))
    702     (ring-insert aw--window-ring (selected-window))))
    704 (defun aw--pop-window ()
    705   "Return the removed top of `aw--window-ring'."
    706   (let (res)
    707     (condition-case nil
    708         (while (or (not (window-live-p
    709                          (setq res (ring-remove aw--window-ring 0))))
    710                    (equal res (selected-window))))
    711       (error
    712        (if (= (length (aw-window-list)) 2)
    713            (progn
    714              (other-window 1)
    715              (setq res (selected-window)))
    716          (error "No previous windows stored"))))
    717     res))
    719 (defun aw-switch-to-window (window)
    720   "Switch to the window WINDOW."
    721   (let ((frame (window-frame window)))
    722     (aw--push-window (selected-window))
    723     (when (and (frame-live-p frame)
    724                (not (eq frame (selected-frame))))
    725       (select-frame-set-input-focus frame))
    726     (if (window-live-p window)
    727         (select-window window)
    728       (error "Got a dead window %S" window))))
    730 (defun aw-flip-window ()
    731   "Switch to the window you were previously in."
    732   (interactive)
    733   (aw-switch-to-window (aw--pop-window)))
    735 (defun aw-show-dispatch-help ()
    736   "Display action shortucts in echo area."
    737   (interactive)
    738   (message "%s" (mapconcat
    739                  (lambda (action)
    740                    (cl-destructuring-bind (key fn &optional description) action
    741                      (format "%s: %s"
    742                              (propertize
    743                               (char-to-string key)
    744                               'face 'aw-key-face)
    745                              (or description fn))))
    746                  aw-dispatch-alist
    747                  "\n"))
    748   ;; Prevent this from replacing any help display
    749   ;; in the minibuffer.
    750   (let (aw-minibuffer-flag)
    751     (mapc #'delete-overlay aw-overlays-back)
    752     (call-interactively 'ace-window)))
    754 (defun aw-delete-window (window &optional kill-buffer)
    755   "Delete window WINDOW.
    756 When KILL-BUFFER is non-nil, also kill the buffer."
    757   (let ((frame (window-frame window)))
    758     (when (and (frame-live-p frame)
    759                (not (eq frame (selected-frame))))
    760       (select-frame-set-input-focus (window-frame window)))
    761     (if (= 1 (length (window-list)))
    762         (delete-frame frame)
    763       (if (window-live-p window)
    764           (let ((buffer (window-buffer window)))
    765             (delete-window window)
    766             (when kill-buffer
    767               (kill-buffer buffer)))
    768         (error "Got a dead window %S" window)))))
    770 (defun aw-switch-buffer-in-window (window)
    771   "Select buffer in WINDOW."
    772   (aw-switch-to-window window)
    773   (aw--switch-buffer))
    775 (declare-function ivy-switch-buffer "ext:ivy")
    777 (defun aw--switch-buffer ()
    778   (cond ((bound-and-true-p ivy-mode)
    779          (ivy-switch-buffer))
    780         ((bound-and-true-p ido-mode)
    781          (ido-switch-buffer))
    782         (t
    783          (call-interactively 'switch-to-buffer))))
    785 (defcustom aw-swap-invert nil
    786   "When non-nil, the other of the two swapped windows gets the point."
    787   :type 'boolean)
    789 (defun aw-swap-window (window)
    790   "Swap buffers of current window and WINDOW."
    791   (cl-labels ((swap-windows (window1 window2)
    792                 "Swap the buffers of WINDOW1 and WINDOW2."
    793                 (let ((buffer1 (window-buffer window1))
    794                       (buffer2 (window-buffer window2)))
    795                   (set-window-buffer window1 buffer2)
    796                   (set-window-buffer window2 buffer1)
    797                   (select-window window2))))
    798     (let ((frame (window-frame window))
    799           (this-window (selected-window)))
    800       (when (and (frame-live-p frame)
    801                  (not (eq frame (selected-frame))))
    802         (select-frame-set-input-focus (window-frame window)))
    803       (when (and (window-live-p window)
    804                  (not (eq window this-window)))
    805         (aw--push-window this-window)
    806         (if aw-swap-invert
    807             (swap-windows window this-window)
    808           (swap-windows this-window window))))))
    810 (defun aw-move-window (window)
    811   "Move the current buffer to WINDOW.
    812 Switch the current window to the previous buffer."
    813   (let ((buffer (current-buffer)))
    814     (switch-to-buffer (other-buffer))
    815     (aw-switch-to-window window)
    816     (switch-to-buffer buffer)))
    818 (defun aw-copy-window (window)
    819   "Copy the current buffer to WINDOW."
    820   (let ((buffer (current-buffer)))
    821     (aw-switch-to-window window)
    822     (switch-to-buffer buffer)))
    824 (defun aw-split-window-vert (window)
    825   "Split WINDOW vertically."
    826   (select-window window)
    827   (split-window-vertically))
    829 (defun aw-split-window-horz (window)
    830   "Split WINDOW horizontally."
    831   (select-window window)
    832   (split-window-horizontally))
    834 (defcustom aw-fair-aspect-ratio 2
    835   "The aspect ratio to aim for when splitting windows.
    836 Sizes are based on the number of characters, not pixels.
    837 Increase to prefer wider windows, or decrease for taller windows."
    838   :type 'number)
    840 (defun aw-split-window-fair (window)
    841   "Split WINDOW vertically or horizontally, based on its current dimensions.
    842 Modify `aw-fair-aspect-ratio' to tweak behavior."
    843   (let ((w (window-body-width window))
    844         (h (window-body-height window)))
    845     (if (< (* h aw-fair-aspect-ratio) w)
    846         (aw-split-window-horz window)
    847       (aw-split-window-vert window))))
    849 (defun aw-switch-buffer-other-window (window)
    850   "Switch buffer in WINDOW."
    851   (aw-switch-to-window window)
    852   (unwind-protect
    853       (aw--switch-buffer)
    854     (aw-flip-window)))
    856 (defun aw-execute-command-other-window (window)
    857   "Execute a command in WINDOW."
    858   (aw-switch-to-window window)
    859   (unwind-protect
    860       (funcall
    861        (key-binding
    862         (read-key-sequence
    863          "Enter key sequence: ")))
    864     (aw-flip-window)))
    866 (defun aw--face-rel-height ()
    867   (let ((h (face-attribute 'aw-leading-char-face :height)))
    868     (cond
    869       ((eq h 'unspecified)
    870        1)
    871       ((floatp h)
    872        (max (floor h) 1))
    873       ((integerp h)
    874        1)
    875       (t
    876        (error "unexpected: %s" h)))))
    878 (defun aw-offset (window)
    879   "Return point in WINDOW that's closest to top left corner.
    880 The point is writable, i.e. it's not part of space after newline."
    881   (let ((h (window-hscroll window))
    882         (beg (window-start window))
    883         (end (window-end window))
    884         (inhibit-field-text-motion t))
    885     (with-current-buffer (window-buffer window)
    886       (save-excursion
    887         (goto-char beg)
    888         (forward-line (1-
    889                        (min
    890                         (count-lines
    891                          (point)
    892                          (point-max))
    893                         (aw--face-rel-height))))
    894         (while (and (< (point) end)
    895                     (< (- (line-end-position)
    896                           (line-beginning-position))
    897                        h))
    898           (forward-line))
    899         (+ (point) h)))))
    901 (defun aw--after-make-frame (f)
    902   (aw-update)
    903   (make-frame-visible f))
    905 ;;* Mode line
    906 ;;;###autoload
    907 (define-minor-mode ace-window-display-mode
    908   "Minor mode for showing the ace window key in the mode line."
    909   :global t
    910   (if ace-window-display-mode
    911       (progn
    912         (aw-update)
    913         (set-default
    914          'mode-line-format
    915          `((ace-window-display-mode
    916             (:eval (window-parameter (selected-window) 'ace-window-path)))
    917            ,@(assq-delete-all
    918               'ace-window-display-mode
    919               (default-value 'mode-line-format))))
    920         (force-mode-line-update t)
    921         (add-hook 'window-configuration-change-hook 'aw-update)
    922         ;; Add at the end so does not precede select-frame call.
    923         (add-hook 'after-make-frame-functions #'aw--after-make-frame t))
    924     (set-default
    925      'mode-line-format
    926      (assq-delete-all
    927       'ace-window-display-mode
    928       (default-value 'mode-line-format)))
    929     (remove-hook 'window-configuration-change-hook 'aw-update)
    930     (remove-hook 'after-make-frame-functions 'aw--after-make-frame)))
    932 (defun aw-update ()
    933   "Update ace-window-path window parameter for all windows.
    935 Ensure all windows are labeled so the user can select a specific
    936 one, even from the set of windows typically ignored when making a
    937 window list."
    938   (let ((aw-ignore-on)
    939         (aw-ignore-current)
    940         (ignore-window-parameters t))
    941     (avy-traverse
    942      (avy-tree (aw-window-list) aw-keys)
    943      (lambda (path leaf)
    944        (set-window-parameter
    945         leaf 'ace-window-path
    946         (propertize
    947          (apply #'string (reverse path))
    948          'face 'aw-mode-line-face))))))
    950 (provide 'ace-window)
    952 ;;; ace-window.el ends here