
My solutions for Advent of Code 2022
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day23.lisp (4252B)

      1 (defpackage #:adventofcode2022/day23
      2   (:use #:cl #:adventofcode2022)
      3   (:import-from #:alexandria
      4                 #:rotate
      5                 #:hash-table-keys))
      6 (in-package #:adventofcode2022/day23)
      8 (defparameter *directions-order* (list '((0 -1) (-1 -1) (1 -1))
      9                                        '((0 1) (-1 1) (1 1))
     10                                        '((-1 0) (-1 -1) (-1 1))
     11                                        '((1 0) (1 -1) (1 1))))
     13 (defun make-map (inputs)
     14   (loop with map = (make-hash-table :test 'equal)
     15         for input in inputs
     16         for y from 0
     17         do (loop for char across input
     18                  for x from 0
     19                  when (char= char #\#)
     20                    do (setf (gethash (list x y) map) t))
     21         finally (return map)))
     23 (defun calculate-score (map)
     24   (loop with (min-y max-y min-x max-x) = (loop for elf being the hash-key of map
     25                                                minimize (car elf) into min-x
     26                                                minimize (cadr elf) into min-y
     27                                                maximize (car elf) into max-x
     28                                                maximize (cadr elf) into max-y
     29                                                finally (return (list min-y max-y min-x max-x)))
     30         for y from min-y to max-y
     31         sum (loop for x from min-x to max-x
     32                   unless (gethash (list x y) map)
     33                     sum 1)))
     35 (defun print-map (map)
     36   (loop with (max-y max-x) = (loop for elf being the hash-key of map
     37                                    maximize (car elf) into max-x
     38                                    maximize (cadr elf) into max-y
     39                                    finally (return (list max-y max-x)))
     40         for y to max-y
     41         do (loop for x to max-x
     42                  do (format t "~A"
     43                             (if (gethash (list x y) map) #\# #\.)))
     44         do (format t "~%"))
     45   (format t "~%"))
     47 (defun coord+ (a b)
     48   (list (+ (car a) (car b))
     49         (+ (cadr a) (cadr b))))
     51 (defun elf-can-move-p (map elf direction)
     52   (loop for delta in direction
     53         always (not (gethash (coord+ elf delta) map))))
     55 (defun elf-has-neighbor (map elf)
     56   (loop for delta-set in *directions-order*
     57         thereis (loop for delta in delta-set
     58                       for neighbor = (coord+ elf delta)
     59                       thereis (gethash neighbor map))))
     61 (defun remove-impossible-steps (steps)
     62   (remove-if (lambda (step)
     63                (> (count-if (lambda (other-step)
     64                               (equal (cadr step) (cadr other-step)))
     65                             steps)
     66                   1))
     67              steps))
     69 (defun move-elves (map &optional max-rounds)
     70   (loop with current-order = (copy-seq *directions-order*)
     71         for round from 1
     72         while (or (null max-rounds)
     73                   (<= round max-rounds))
     74         for proposed-steps = (loop for elf in (remove-if (lambda (elf)
     75                                                            (not (elf-has-neighbor map elf)))
     76                                                          (hash-table-keys map))
     77                                    for valid-direction = (loop for direction in current-order
     78                                                                when (elf-can-move-p map elf direction)
     79                                                                  return (car direction)
     80                                                                finally (return nil))
     81                                    when valid-direction
     82                                      collect (list elf (coord+ elf valid-direction)))
     84         for valid-moves = (remove-impossible-steps proposed-steps)
     85         while valid-moves
     86         do (loop for (previous next) in valid-moves                 
     87                  do (remhash previous map)
     88                  do (setf (gethash next map) t))
     89         do (setf current-order (rotate current-order (1- (length current-order))))
     90            ;;do (print-map map)
     91         finally (return (values (calculate-score map) round))))
     93 (defun task1 (inputs)
     94   (nth-value 0 (move-elves (make-map inputs) 10)))
     96 (defun task2 (inputs)
     97   (nth-value 1 (move-elves (make-map inputs))))
     99 (define-day 23
    100     ()
    101   #'task1
    102   #'task2)