
My solutions for Advent of Code 2022
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day19.lisp (7292B)

      1 (defpackage #:adventofcode2022/day19
      2   (:use #:cl #:adventofcode2022)
      3   (:import-from #:cl-ppcre
      4                 #:register-groups-bind))
      5 (in-package #:adventofcode2022/day19)
      7 (defun get-resource-index (resource)
      8   (cond
      9     ((eq resource :ore) 0)
     10     ((eq resource :clay) 1)
     11     ((eq resource :obsidian) 2)
     12     ((eq resource :geode) 3)
     13     (t (error "Unknown resource type ~S" resource))))
     15 (defun getres (resource &optional field)
     16   (if field
     17       (aref field (get-resource-index resource))
     18       (lambda (x) (getres resource x))))
     20 (defun (setf getres) (value resource field)
     21   (setf (elt field (get-resource-index resource)) value))
     23 (defun %res-op (op resources-1 resources-2)
     24   (let* ((length (length resources-1))
     25          (new (make-array length)))
     26     (loop for i from 0 below length
     27           do (setf (aref new i)
     28                    (funcall op
     29                             (aref resources-1 i)
     30                             (aref resources-2 i))))
     31     new))
     33 (declaim (inline res+))
     34 (defun res+ (resources-1 resources-2)
     35   (%res-op #'+ resources-1 resources-2))
     37 (declaim (inline res-))
     38 (defun res- (resources-1 resources-2)
     39   (%res-op #'- resources-1 resources-2))
     41 (defun can-build-robot-p (blueprint resources)
     42   (loop with depends = blueprint
     43         for i from 0 below (length depends)
     44         always (>= (aref resources i) (aref depends i))))
     46 (defun build-robot (type blueprints robots resources)
     47   (let ((robots-delta (vector 0 0 0 0)))
     48     (incf (getres type robots-delta))
     49     (values
     50      (res+ robots robots-delta)
     51      (res- resources blueprints))))
     53 (defparameter *max-geodes-cache* nil)
     54 (defparameter *max-geode-by-minute-cache* nil)
     56 (defun compute-cache-key (remaining-minutes robots resources)
     57   "This is a lot faster than puttin lists in 'equal tables."
     58   (logior
     59    (getres :ore resources)
     60    (ash (getres :clay resources) 16)
     61    (ash (getres :obsidian resources) 32)
     62    (ash (getres :geode resources) 48)
     63    (ash (getres :ore robots) 64)
     64    (ash (getres :clay robots) 80)
     65    (ash (getres :obsidian robots) 96)
     66    (ash (getres :geode robots) 112)
     67    (ash remaining-minutes 128)))
     69 (defun max-geodes-for-blueprint (blueprint max-bots &optional (remaining-minutes 24) (robots (vector 1 0 0 0)) (resources (vector 0 0 0 0)))
     70   (when (<= remaining-minutes 0)
     71     (return-from max-geodes-for-blueprint (getres :geode resources)))
     72   (let* ((key (compute-cache-key remaining-minutes robots resources))
     73          (cached (gethash key *max-geodes-cache*))
     74          (current-geodes (getres :geode resources)))
     75     (when cached
     76       (return-from max-geodes-for-blueprint cached))
     77     (when (< current-geodes (or (gethash remaining-minutes *max-geode-by-minute-cache*) 0))
     78       (return-from max-geodes-for-blueprint 0))
     79     (setf (gethash remaining-minutes *max-geode-by-minute-cache*) current-geodes)
     80     (let ((produced (copy-seq robots))
     81           (results)
     82           (best-result))
     83       (when (loop for type in '(:geode :obsidian :clay :ore)
     84                   for robot-bp = (getres type blueprint)
     85                   when (and (< (getres type robots) (getres type max-bots))
     86                             (can-build-robot-p robot-bp resources))
     87                     do (multiple-value-bind (new-robots new-resources)
     88                            (build-robot type robot-bp robots resources)
     89                          (push (max-geodes-for-blueprint blueprint
     90                                                          max-bots
     91                                                          (1- remaining-minutes)
     92                                                          new-robots
     93                                                          (res+ new-resources produced))
     94                                results)
     95                          (when (eq type :geode)
     96                            (return nil)))
     97                   finally (return t))
     98         (push (max-geodes-for-blueprint blueprint
     99                                         max-bots
    100                                         (1- remaining-minutes)
    101                                         robots
    102                                         (res+ resources produced))
    103               results))
    104       (setf best-result (apply #'max results))
    105       (setf (gethash key *max-geodes-cache*) best-result))))
    107 (defun get-max-robots (blueprint)
    108   (vector (apply #'max (map 'list (getres :ore) blueprint))
    109           (apply #'max (map 'list (getres :clay) blueprint))
    110           (apply #'max (map 'list (getres :obsidian) blueprint))
    111           9999))
    113 (defun task1 (inputs)
    114   (loop for input in inputs
    115         for blueprint = (cadr input)
    116         for max-robots = (get-max-robots blueprint)
    117         sum (let ((*max-geodes-cache* (make-hash-table))
    118                   (*max-geode-by-minute-cache* (make-hash-table)))
    119               (let ((max-geodes (max-geodes-for-blueprint blueprint max-robots)))
    120                 (* (car input) max-geodes)))))
    122 (defun task2 (inputs)
    123   (apply #'*
    124          (loop for input in (subseq inputs 0 (min 3 (length inputs)))
    125                for blueprint = (cadr input)
    126                for max-robots = (get-max-robots blueprint)
    127                collect (let ((*max-geodes-cache* (make-hash-table))
    128                              (*max-geode-by-minute-cache* (make-hash-table)))
    129                          (let ((max-geodes (max-geodes-for-blueprint blueprint max-robots 32)))
    130                            max-geodes)))))
    132 (define-day 19
    133     (:translate-input (lambda (input)
    134                         (let* ((label-rules (str:split ":" input :limit 2))
    135                                (id (parse-integer (cadr (str:split " " (car label-rules)))))
    136                                (rules (str:split "." (cadr label-rules) :omit-nulls t)))
    137                           (list id
    138                                 (loop with robots = (vector
    139                                                      (vector 0 0 0 0)
    140                                                      (vector 0 0 0 0)
    141                                                      (vector 0 0 0 0)
    142                                                      (vector 0 0 0 0))
    143                                       for rule in rules
    144                                       do (register-groups-bind (type-str rest)
    145                                              ("Each (.*?) robot costs (.*)" rule)
    146                                            (let* ((type (intern (str:upcase type-str) :keyword))
    147                                                   (robot (getres type robots)))
    148                                              (loop for cost-str in (str:split "and" rest)
    149                                                    do (register-groups-bind (cost material)
    150                                                           ("(\\d+) (.*)" cost-str)
    151                                                         (let ((cost-int (parse-integer cost))
    152                                                               (dependency (intern
    153                                                                            (str:upcase (str:trim material))
    154                                                                            :keyword)))
    155                                                           (setf (getres dependency robot) cost-int))))))
    156                                       finally (return robots))))))
    157   #'task1
    158   #'task2)