
My solutions for Advent of Code 2022
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day17.lisp (5712B)

      1 (defpackage #:adventofcode2022/day17
      2   (:use #:cl #:adventofcode2022)
      3   (:import-from #:alexandria
      4                 #:define-constant))
      5 (in-package #:adventofcode2022/day17)
      7 (defclass rock ()
      8   ((shape :initarg :shape
      9           :accessor shape)))
     11 (defmethod width ((r rock))
     12   (array-dimension (shape r) 1))
     14 (defmethod height ((r rock))
     15   (array-dimension (shape r) 0))
     17 (defparameter *rocks*
     18   (vector (make-instance 'rock
     19                          :shape #2A((1 1 1 1)))
     20           (make-instance 'rock
     21                          :shape #2A((0 1 0)
     22                                     (1 1 1)
     23                                     (0 1 0)))
     24           (make-instance 'rock
     25                          :shape #2A((0 0 1)
     26                                     (0 0 1)
     27                                     (1 1 1)))
     28           (make-instance 'rock
     29                          :shape #2A((1)
     30                                     (1)
     31                                     (1)
     32                                     (1)))
     33           (make-instance 'rock
     34                          :shape #2A((1 1)
     35                                     (1 1)))))
     37 (defclass cave ()
     38   ((positions :initform (make-hash-table :test 'equal)
     39               :reader positions)
     40    (width :initarg :width
     41           :reader width)
     42    (tip-y :initform -1
     43           :accessor tip-y)))
     45 (defmethod put-rock ((c cave) (r rock) x y)
     46   (loop for rock-y below (height r)
     47         do (loop for rock-x below (width r)
     48                  for cave-x = (+ rock-x x)
     49                  for cave-y = (- y rock-y)
     50                  do (when (= (aref (shape r) rock-y rock-x) 1)
     51                       (when (> cave-y (tip-y c))
     52                         (setf (tip-y c) cave-y))
     53                       (setf (gethash (list cave-x cave-y)
     54                                      (positions c))
     55                             t)))))
     57 (defmethod rock-collides-p ((c cave) (r rock) x y)
     58   (when (or (< x 0)
     59             (> (+ x (width r)) (width c))
     60             (< (- y (1- (height r))) 0))
     61     (return-from rock-collides-p t))
     62   (loop named outer
     63         for rock-y below (height r)
     64         do (loop for rock-x below (width r)
     65                  for cave-x = (+ rock-x x)
     66                  for cave-y = (- y rock-y)
     67                  when (and (= (aref (shape r) rock-y rock-x) 1)
     68                            (gethash (list cave-x cave-y)
     69                                     (positions c)))
     70                    do (return-from outer t))))
     72 (defmethod print-cave ((c cave))
     73   (loop for y from (tip-y c) downto 0
     74         do (loop initially (format t "|")
     75                  for x below (width c)
     76                  do (format t (if (gethash (list x y) (positions c))
     77                                   "#" "."))
     78                  finally (format t "|~%"))
     79         finally (loop initially (format t "+")
     80                       for x below (width c)
     81                       do (format t "-")
     82                       finally (format t "+~%"))))
     84 (defun find-pattern (list)
     85   (loop for start from 0
     86         thereis (loop for length from 500 to (floor (/ (- (length list) start) 2))
     87                       when (loop for i below length
     88                                  for c-1 = (elt list (+ start i))
     89                                  for c-2 = (elt list (+ start i length))
     90                                  always (= c-1 c-2))
     91                         do (return-from find-pattern (values start length)))))
     93 (defun play-tetris (dirs n-rocks)
     94   (loop with cave = (make-instance 'cave :width 7)
     95         with round = 0
     96         with history = nil
     97         for i below n-rocks
     98         for rock = (aref *rocks* (mod i (length *rocks*)))
     99         do (loop with rock-x = 2
    100                  with rock-y = (+ (tip-y cave) 3 (height rock))
    101                  with old-tip = (tip-y cave)
    102                  for dir = (aref dirs (mod round (length dirs)))
    103                  do (incf round)
    104                  do (cond
    105                       ((char= dir #\<)
    106                        (unless (rock-collides-p cave rock
    107                                                 (1- rock-x)
    108                                                 rock-y)
    109                          (decf rock-x)))
    110                       ((char= dir #\>)
    111                        (unless (rock-collides-p cave rock
    112                                                 (1+ rock-x)
    113                                                 rock-y)
    114                          (incf rock-x))))
    115                  if (rock-collides-p cave rock rock-x (1- rock-y))
    116                    do (put-rock cave rock rock-x rock-y)
    117                    and do (push (- (tip-y cave) old-tip) history)
    118                    and return nil
    119                  else
    120                    do (decf rock-y))
    121            ;;do (print-cave cave)
    122         finally (return-from play-tetris
    123                   (values (1+ (tip-y cave))
    124                           (coerce (reverse history)
    125                                   'vector)))))
    127 (defun task1 (input)
    128   (play-tetris (car input) 2022))
    130 (defun task2 (input)
    131   (let ((simulate-n-rounds 10000)
    132         (simulation-target-rounds 1000000000000))
    133     (multiple-value-bind (height history)
    134         (play-tetris (car input) simulate-n-rounds)
    135       (declare (ignore height))
    136       (multiple-value-bind (start length)
    137           (find-pattern history)
    138         (let* ((initial (reduce #'+ (subseq history 0 start)))
    139                (cycle (subseq history start (+ start length)))
    140                (diff-per-cycle (reduce #'+ cycle)))
    141           (multiple-value-bind (n-cycles n-rest)
    142               (floor (- simulation-target-rounds start) length)
    143             (+ initial
    144                (* n-cycles diff-per-cycle)
    145                (reduce #'+ (subseq cycle 0 n-rest)))))))))
    147 (define-day 17
    148     ()
    149   #'task1
    150   #'task2)