
My solutions for Advent of Code 2022
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day03.lisp (1519B)

      1 (defpackage #:adventofcode2022/day03
      2   (:use #:cl #:adventofcode2022))
      3 (in-package #:adventofcode2022/day03)
      5 (defun calculate-priority (result)
      6   (if (char>= result #\a)
      7       (- (char-code result) 96)
      8       (- (char-code result) 38)))
     10 (defun task1 (inputs)
     11   (loop for input in inputs
     12         sum (loop with compartment-size = (/ (length input) 2)
     13                   with compartment1 = (subseq input 0 compartment-size)
     14                   with compartment2 = (subseq input compartment-size)
     15                   with use-item2 = nil
     16                   for item1 across compartment1
     17                   for item2 across compartment2
     18                   until (or
     19                          (find item1 compartment2)
     20                          (and
     21                           (find item2 compartment1)
     22                           (setf use-item2 t)))
     23                   finally (return
     24                             (calculate-priority (if use-item2 item2 item1))))))
     26 (defun task2 (inputs)
     27   (loop with head = inputs
     28         sum (loop for item = #\A then (cond ((char= item #\Z) #\a)
     29                                             ((char= item #\z) nil)
     30                                             (t (code-char (1+ (char-code item)))))
     31                   while item
     32                   until (loop for i from 0 to 2
     33                               always (find item (elt head i)))
     34                   finally (return (calculate-priority item)))
     35         do (setf head (cdddr head))
     36         while head))
     38 (define-day 3
     39     ()
     40   #'task1
     41   #'task2)