
My solutions to AoC 2024
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utils.lisp (12476B)

      1 (uiop:define-package #:aoc/utils
      2   (:use #:cl)
      3   (:mix-reexport #:alexandria #:serapeum #:split-sequence
      4                  #:group-by #:str #:queues)
      5   (:import-from #:queues.simple-queue)
      6   (:import-from #:queues.priority-queue)
      7   (:export
      8    #:read-input
      9    #:read-input-fields
     10    #:read-input-match
     11    #:char-number
     12    #:make-map
     13    #:make-empty-map
     14    #:print-map
     15    #:map-find
     16    #:input-map
     17    #:input-map-width
     18    #:input-map-height
     19    #:map-cell
     20    #:map-integer-at
     21    #:point+
     22    #:point-
     23    #:point*
     24    #:point-mod
     25    #:point-x
     26    #:point-y
     27    #:point-in-bounds-p
     28    #:point-in-map-p
     29    #:*map-neighbours*
     30    #:point-neighbours
     31    #:manhattan-distance
     32    #:do-map-neighbours
     33    #:read-number-list
     34    #:find-pattern
     35    #:define-parser
     36    #:modular-inverse
     37    #:crt))
     38 (in-package #:aoc/utils)
     40 (defun normalize-type (type)
     41   (cond
     42     ((or (eq type 'string)
     43          (null type))
     44      'simple-string)
     45     ((eq type 'number)
     46      'integer)
     47     (t type)))
     49 (defun wrap-nullable (converter)
     50   (lambda (line)
     51     (if (= (length line) 0)
     52         nil
     53         (funcall converter line))))
     55 (defun get-type-converter (type)
     56   (wrap-nullable
     57    (if (functionp type)
     58        type
     59        (ecase (normalize-type type)
     60          (simple-string #'identity)
     61          (integer #'parse-integer)
     62          (keyword (compose #'make-keyword #'string-upcase))))))
     64 (defun read-input (input &key (type 'string))
     65   (loop with converter = (get-type-converter type)
     66         for line = (read-line input nil)
     67         while line
     68         collect (funcall converter line)))
     70 (defun convert-fields (converters fields)
     71   (loop for converter in converters
     72         for field = (pop fields)
     73         collect (funcall converter field)))
     75 (defun read-input-fields (input field-types &key (delimiter " "))
     76   (loop with converters = (mapcar #'get-type-converter
     77                                   field-types)
     78         for line = (read-line input nil)
     79         while line
     80         collect (convert-fields converters
     81                                 (split-sequence delimiter line :test #'string=))))
     83 (defun read-input-match (input regex &key types)
     84   (loop with scanner = (ppcre:create-scanner regex)
     85         with converters = (and types (mapcar #'get-type-converter types))
     86         for line = (read-line input nil)
     87         for groups = (and line
     88                           (multiple-value-bind (match groups)
     89                               (ppcre:scan-to-strings scanner line)
     90                             (and match (coerce groups 'list))))
     91         while groups
     92         collect (if converters
     93                     (convert-fields converters groups)
     94                     groups)))
     97 (declaim (ftype (function (character) fixnum) char-number)
     98          (inline char-number))
     99 (defun char-number (char)
    100   (- (char-int char) 48))
    102 (defstruct input-map
    103   (data nil :type (simple-array simple-string))
    104   (width 0 :type fixnum)
    105   (height 0 :type fixnum))
    107 (defun make-map (input)
    108   (loop with width = nil
    109         with data = nil
    110         for row = (read-line input nil)
    111         for height from 0
    112         while (and row (> (length row) 0))
    113         when (= height 0)
    114           do (setf width (length row))
    115         do (push row data)
    116         finally (return (and data
    117                              (make-input-map :data (coerce (nreverse data) 'vector)
    118                                              :width width
    119                                              :height height)))))
    121 (defun make-empty-map (width height &key (initial-element #\.))
    122   (make-input-map :data (loop with array = (make-array height
    123                                                        :element-type 'simple-string)
    124                               for y below height
    125                               do (setf (aref array y)
    126                                        (make-array width
    127                                                    :element-type 'character
    128                                                    :initial-element initial-element))
    129                               finally (return array))
    130                   :width width
    131                   :height height))
    133 (defun print-map (map &key (stream *standard-output*) position)
    134   (loop for y from 0 below (input-map-height map)
    135         for line = (aref (input-map-data map) y)
    136         if (and (not (null position))
    137                 (= (point-y position) y))
    138           do (loop for c across line
    139                    for x from 0
    140                    do (format stream "~A" (if (equal (cons x y) position) #\@ c))
    141                    finally (format stream "~%"))
    142         else
    143           do (format stream "~A~%" line)))
    145 (defun map-find (map needle)
    146   (loop for y from 0 below (input-map-height map)
    147         for line = (aref (input-map-data map) y)
    148         for pos = (position needle line)
    149         when pos
    150           do (return (cons pos y))))
    152 (declaim (inline point+ point- point* point-mod point-x point-y)
    153          (ftype (function (cons) fixnum) point-x point-y))
    155 (defun point-x (point)
    156   (car point))
    158 (defun point-y (point)
    159   (cdr point))
    161 (defun (setf point-x) (new-value point)
    162   (setf (car point) new-value))
    164 (defun (setf point-y) (new-value point)
    165   (setf (cdr point) new-value))
    167 (defun point+ (point-a point-b)
    168   (cons (the fixnum (+ (point-x point-a)
    169                        (point-x point-b)))
    170         (the fixnum (+ (point-y point-a)
    171                        (point-y point-b)))))
    173 (defun point- (point-a point-b)
    174   (cons (the fixnum (- (point-x point-a)
    175                        (point-x point-b)))
    176         (the fixnum (- (point-y point-a)
    177                        (point-y point-b)))))
    179 (defun point* (point-a point-factor)
    180   (cons (the fixnum (* (point-x point-a)
    181                        (point-x point-factor)))
    182         (the fixnum (* (point-y point-a)
    183                        (point-y point-factor)))))
    185 (defun point-mod (point-a point-divisor)
    186   (cons (the fixnum (mod (point-x point-a)
    187                          (point-x point-divisor)))
    188         (the fixnum (mod (point-y point-a)
    189                          (point-y point-divisor)))))
    191 (declaim (ftype (function (cons fixnum fixnum) boolean) point-in-bounds-p)
    192          (inline point-in-bounds-p point-in-map-p))
    193 (defun point-in-bounds-p (point width height)
    194   (destructuring-bind (x . y) point
    195     (declare (type fixnum x y))
    196     (and (>= x 0) (>= y 0)
    197          (< x width) (< y height))))
    199 (defun point-in-map-p (point map)
    200   (point-in-bounds-p point
    201                      (input-map-width map)
    202                      (input-map-height map)))
    204 (declaim (inline map-cell map-integer-at (setf map-cell))
    205          (ftype (function (input-map cons) character) map-cell)
    206          (ftype (function (character input-map cons) character) (setf map-cell)))
    208 (defun map-cell (map point)
    209   (aref (aref (input-map-data map)
    210               (point-y point))
    211         (point-x point)))
    213 (defun (setf map-cell) (new map point)
    214   (let ((row (aref (input-map-data map)
    215                    (point-y point))))
    216     (setf (aref row (point-x point)) new)))
    218 (defun map-integer-at (map point)
    219   (parse-integer (aref (input-map-data map) (point-y point))
    220                  :start (point-x point)
    221                  :junk-allowed t))
    223 (defparameter *map-neighbours* (loop for y from -1 to 1
    224                                      nconc (loop for x from -1 to 1
    225                                                  when (not (and (= y 0)
    226                                                                 (= x 0)))
    227                                                    collect (cons x y))))
    229 (defun point-neighbours (point)
    230   (mapcar (curry #'point+ point)
    231           *map-neighbours*))
    233 (declaim (ftype (function (cons cons) fixnum) manhattan-distance)
    234          (inline manhattan-distance))
    236 (defun manhattan-distance (from to)
    237   (+ (abs (- (point-x to)
    238              (point-x from)))
    239      (abs (- (point-y to)
    240              (point-y from)))))
    242 (defmacro do-map-neighbours ((neighbour-point map start-point) &body body)
    243   (with-gensyms (width height lb? rb? tb? bb?)
    244     (once-only ((sp start-point)
    245                 (mp map))
    246       `(let* ((,width (input-map-width ,mp))
    247               (,height (input-map-height ,mp))
    248               (,lb? (> (point-x ,sp) 0))
    249               (,rb? (< (point-x ,sp) (1- ,width)))
    250               (,tb? (> (point-y ,sp) 0))
    251               (,bb? (< (point-y ,sp) (1- ,height))))
    252          ,@(loop for nb in *map-neighbours*
    253                  collect `(let ((,neighbour-point (point+ ,sp ',nb)))
    254                             (when (and ,@(let ((checks))
    255                                            (when (< (point-x nb) 0)
    256                                              (push lb? checks))
    257                                            (when (< (point-y nb) 0)
    258                                              (push tb? checks))
    259                                            (when (> (point-x nb) 0)
    260                                              (push rb? checks))
    261                                            (when (> (point-y nb) 0)
    262                                              (push bb? checks))
    263                                            checks))
    264                               ,@body)))))))
    266 (defun read-number-list (string &key (start 0))
    267   (loop for i from start below (length string)
    268         collect (multiple-value-bind (number end)
    269                     (parse-integer string
    270                                    :start i
    271                                    :junk-allowed t)
    272                   (setf i end)
    273                   number)))
    275 (defun find-pattern (list &optional (minimum-length 5))
    276   (loop for length from minimum-length to (floor (/ (length list) 2))
    277         when (loop for i below length
    278                    for c-1 = (elt list i)
    279                    for c-2 = (elt list (+ i length))
    280                    always (= c-1 c-2))
    281           do (return-from find-pattern length)))
    283 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
    284   (defun transform-state-table (definitions)
    285     (loop with table = (list nil nil)
    286           with callbacks = nil
    287           with current = nil
    288           for definition in definitions
    289           do (setf current table)
    290              (loop for element in definition
    291                    do (etypecase element
    292                         (character
    293                          (setf current (or (assoc element (cddr current))
    294                                            (car (setf (cdr (last current))
    295                                                       (list (list element nil)))))))
    296                         (list
    297                          (let ((sym (GENSYM "CALLBACK")))
    298                            (setf (cadr current) sym)
    299                            (push (cons sym element) callbacks)))))
    300           finally (return (values table
    301                                   callbacks)))))
    303 (defun do-parse (stream table)
    304   (loop with current = table
    305         with callback = nil
    306         with global = t
    307         for char = (read-char stream nil)
    308         until (null char)
    309         do (setf current (assoc char (cddr current))
    310                  callback (cadr current))
    311            (if (or (null current)
    312                    (and callback
    313                         (null (funcall (symbol-value callback)))))
    314                (progn
    315                  (setf current table)
    316                  (unless global
    317                    (unread-char char stream))
    318                  (setf global t))
    319                (setf global nil))))
    321 (defmacro define-parser (name (stream) (&rest variable-bindings) &body parse-tables)
    322   (multiple-value-bind (table callbacks)
    323       (transform-state-table parse-tables)
    324     (let ((table-var (gensym "TABLE"))
    325           (callback-syms (mapcar #'car callbacks)))
    326       `(defun ,name (,stream)
    327          (let ((,table-var ',table)
    328                ,@variable-bindings)
    329            (let ,(loop for (sym . code) in callbacks
    330                        collect `(,sym (lambda () ,code)))
    331              (declare (special ,@callback-syms))
    332              (do-parse stream ,table-var))
    333            (values ,@(mapcar #'car variable-bindings)))))))
    335 (defun gcd-extended (a b)
    336   (if (zerop b)
    337       (values a 1 0)
    338       (multiple-value-bind (gcd x1 y1)
    339           (gcd-extended b (mod a b))
    340         (values gcd y1 (- x1 (* y1 (floor a b)))))))
    342 (defun modular-inverse (a m)
    343   (multiple-value-bind (gcd x y)
    344       (gcd-extended a m)
    345     (declare (ignore y))
    346     (if (/= gcd 1)
    347         nil
    348         (mod x m))))
    350 (defun crt (x y w h)
    351   (let* ((m (lcm w h))
    352          (w-inv (modular-inverse w h))
    353          (h-inv (modular-inverse h w)))
    354     (mod (+ (* y w w-inv)
    355             (* x h h-inv))
    356          m)))