
My solutions to AoC 2024
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day-19.lisp (1516B)

      1 (defpackage #:aoc/day-19
      2   (:use #:cl #:aoc/utils)
      3   (:export #:day-19))
      4 (in-package #:aoc/day-19)
      6 (defun parse-comma-list (line)
      7   (loop with pos = 0
      8         for comma-pos = (position #\, line :start pos)
      9         collect (subseq line pos comma-pos)
     10         do (setf pos (+ (or comma-pos 0) 2))
     11         until (null comma-pos)))
     13 (defun parse-input (input)
     14   (loop with towels = (parse-comma-list (read-line input))
     15         initially (read-line input)
     16         for line = (read-line input nil)
     17         until (null line)
     18         collect line into lines
     19         finally (return (values towels lines))))
     21 (defun possible-arrangements (line towels)
     22   (let ((cache (make-hash-table)))
     23     (labels ((%solve (i)
     24                (when (= i (length line))
     25                  (return-from %solve 1))
     26                (loop for towel in towels
     27                      for has-prefix = (string-prefix-p towel line :start2 i)
     28                      sum (or (and has-prefix (%solve-cached (+ i (length towel)))) 0)))
     29              (%solve-cached (i)
     30                (or (gethash i cache)
     31                    (setf (gethash i cache)
     32                          (%solve i)))))
     33       (%solve 0))))
     35 (defun all-possible-arrangements (towels lines)
     36   (loop for line in lines
     37         collect (possible-arrangements line towels)))
     39 (defun day-19 (input)
     40   (multiple-value-bind (towels lines)
     41       (parse-input input)
     42     (let ((a (all-possible-arrangements towels lines)))
     43       (values (count 0 a :test-not #'eq)
     44               (sum (remove nil a))))))