
My solutions to AoC 2024
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day-18.lisp (2619B)

      1 (defpackage #:aoc/day-18
      2   (:use #:cl #:aoc/utils)
      3   (:export
      4    #:*width*
      5    #:*height*
      6    #:*bytes-falling*
      7    #:day-18))
      8 (in-package #:aoc/day-18)
     10 (defparameter *width* 71)
     11 (defparameter *height* 71)
     12 (defparameter *bytes-falling* 1024)
     13 (defparameter *directions* '((1 . 0) (-1 . 0)
     14                              (0 . 1) (0 . -1)))
     16 (defun parse-coordinate (line)
     17   (multiple-value-bind (x end)
     18       (parse-integer line :junk-allowed t)
     19     (cons x (parse-integer line :start (1+ end)))))
     21 (defun parse-coordinates (input)
     22   (loop for line = (read-line input nil)
     23         for i from 0
     24         until (null line)
     25         collect (parse-coordinate line)))
     27 (declaim (inline fall-byte unfall-byte))
     29 (defun fall-byte (map position)
     30   (setf (map-cell map position) #\#))
     32 (defun unfall-byte (map position)
     33   (setf (map-cell map position) #\.))
     35 (defun draw-map (map visited)
     36   (loop for y from 0 below *height*
     37         do (loop for x from 0 below *width*
     38                  for pos = (cons x y)
     39                  do (format t "~A" (or (and (gethash pos visited) #\O)
     40                                        (map-cell map pos))))
     41            (format t "~%")))
     43 (defun bfs (map)
     44   (loop with queue = (make-queue :simple-queue)
     45         with start = (cons 0 0)
     46         with end = (cons (1- *width*) (1- *height*))
     47         with visited = (make-hash-table :test #'equal)
     48         initially (qpush queue (list start 0))
     49                   (setf (gethash start visited) t)
     50         for (pos steps) = (qpop queue)
     51         when (null pos)
     52           do (return nil)
     53         when (equal pos end)
     54           do (return steps)
     55         do (loop for dir in *directions*
     56                  for next = (point+ pos dir)
     57                  when (and (point-in-bounds-p next *width* *height*)
     58                            (not (gethash next visited))
     59                            (char/= (map-cell map next) #\#))
     60                    do (qpush queue (list next (1+ steps)))
     61                       (setf (gethash next visited) t))))
     63 (defun task-2 (map coordinates)
     64   (loop for byte in coordinates
     65         do (fall-byte map byte))
     66   (loop for byte in (nreverse coordinates)
     67         do (unfall-byte map byte)
     68         when (bfs map)
     69           do (return byte)))
     71 (defun day-18 (input)
     72   (let* ((map (make-empty-map *width* *height*))
     73          (coordinates (parse-coordinates input)))
     74     (loop repeat *bytes-falling*
     75           for cdr on coordinates
     76           do (fall-byte map (car cdr))
     77           finally (setf coordinates cdr))
     78     (values (bfs map)
     79             (let ((p (task-2 map coordinates)))
     80               (format nil "~A,~A" (point-x p) (point-y p))))))