
My solutions to AoC 2024
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day-15.lisp (4822B)

      1 (defpackage #:aoc/day-15
      2   (:use #:cl #:aoc/utils)
      3   (:export
      4    #:follow-directions
      5    #:day-15))
      6 (in-package #:aoc/day-15)
      8 (defparameter *moves* '(:up   (0 . -1) :down  (0 . 1)
      9                         :left (-1 . 0) :right (1 . 0)))
     11 (defun read-directions (input)
     12   (loop for line = (read-line input nil)
     13         until (null line)
     14         nconc (mapcar (lambda (c)
     15                         (ecase c
     16                           (#\^ :up)
     17                           (#\< :left)
     18                           (#\> :right)
     19                           (#\v :down)))
     20                       (coerce line 'list))))
     22 (defun expand-map (map)
     23   (loop with width = (* (input-map-width map) 2)
     24         with height = (input-map-height map)
     25         with new-map = (make-empty-map width height)
     26         for y from 0 below (input-map-height map)
     27         do (loop for x from 0 below (input-map-width map)
     28                  for point = (cons x y)
     29                  for new-point-left = (cons (* x 2) y)
     30                  for new-point-right = (cons (+ (* x 2) 1) y)
     31                  for cell = (map-cell map point)
     32                  unless (char= cell #\.)
     33                    do (setf (map-cell new-map new-point-left)
     34                             (ecase cell
     35                               (#\# #\#)
     36                               (#\O #\[))
     37                             (map-cell new-map new-point-right)
     38                             (ecase cell
     39                               (#\# #\#)
     40                               (#\O #\]))))
     41         finally (return new-map)))
     43 (defun find-robot (map)
     44   (loop for y from 0 below (input-map-height map)
     45         thereis (loop for x from 0 below (input-map-width map)
     46                       for pos = (cons x y)
     47                       when (char= #\@ (map-cell map pos))
     48                         do (return pos))))
     50 (defun move-boxes-basic (map pos direction)
     51   (let* ((cell (map-cell map pos))
     52          (diff (getf *moves* direction))
     53          (next (point+ pos diff)))
     54     (case cell
     55       (#\. (return-from move-boxes-basic t))
     56       (#\# (return-from move-boxes-basic nil)))
     57     (when (move-boxes map next direction)
     58       (setf (map-cell map next) cell
     59             (map-cell map pos) #\.)
     60       t)))
     62 (defun box-positions (map pos)
     63   (case (map-cell map pos)
     64     (#\[ (list pos (point+ pos '(1 . 0))))
     65     (#\] (list pos (point- pos '(1 . 0))))))
     67 (defun clean-positions (positions)
     68   (remove-duplicates (remove nil positions) :test #'equal))
     70 (defun move-boxes (map pos direction)
     71   (case (map-cell map pos)
     72     (#\. (return-from move-boxes t))
     73     (#\O (return-from move-boxes
     74            (move-boxes-basic map pos direction)))
     75     (#\# (return-from move-boxes nil)))
     76   (when (member direction '(:left :right))
     77     (return-from move-boxes (move-boxes-basic map pos direction)))
     78   (loop with diff = (getf *moves* direction)
     79         with positions = (box-positions map pos)
     80         with to-be-moved = (list positions)
     81         for y = (point-y pos) then (+ y (point-y diff))
     82         do (setf positions
     83                  (clean-positions
     84                   (loop for position in positions
     85                         for next = (point+ position diff)
     86                         nconc (case (map-cell map next)
     87                                 (#\# (return-from move-boxes nil))
     88                                 (#\. nil)
     89                                 (t (box-positions map next))))))
     90            (push positions to-be-moved)
     91         until (null positions)
     92         finally (loop for set in to-be-moved
     93                       do (loop for position in set
     94                                for next = (point+ position diff)
     95                                do (setf (map-cell map next) (map-cell map position)
     96                                         (map-cell map position) #\.))))
     97   t)
     99 (defun all-boxes-gps-coords (map)
    100   (loop for y from 0 below (input-map-height map)
    101         sum (loop for x from 0 below (input-map-width map)
    102                   for pos = (cons x y)
    103                   for cell = (map-cell map pos)
    104                   when (or (char= cell #\O)
    105                            (char= cell #\[))
    106                     sum (+ (* y 100) x))))
    108 (defun follow-directions (map pos directions)
    109   (loop for direction in directions
    110         for i from 0
    111         for new-pos = (point+ pos (getf *moves* direction))
    112         when (move-boxes map new-pos direction)
    113           do (setf pos new-pos)))
    115 (defun day-15 (input)
    116   (let* ((map-1 (make-map input))
    117          (pos (find-robot map-1))
    118          (map-2 (progn
    119                   (setf (map-cell map-1 pos) #\.)
    120                   (expand-map map-1)))
    121          (directions (read-directions input)))
    122     (follow-directions map-1 pos directions)
    123     (follow-directions map-2 (point* pos (cons 2 1)) directions)
    124     (values (all-boxes-gps-coords map-1)
    125             (all-boxes-gps-coords map-2))))