
My solutions to AoC 2023
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day-20.lisp (4986B)

      1 (defpackage #:aoc/day-20
      2   (:use #:cl #:aoc/utils)
      3   (:export #:day-20))
      4 (in-package #:aoc/day-20)
      6 (defclass module ()
      7   ((label
      8     :initarg :label
      9     :reader module-label)
     10    (targets
     11     :initarg :targets
     12     :accessor module-targets)
     13    (connected
     14     :initform nil
     15     :accessor module-connected)))
     17 (defmethod print-object ((module module) stream)
     18   (print-unreadable-object (module stream :type t)
     19     (format stream "~A" (module-label module))))
     21 (defclass flip-flop (module)
     22   ((state
     23     :initform nil)))
     25 (defmethod print-object ((module flip-flop) stream)
     26   (print-unreadable-object (module stream :type t)
     27     (with-slots (state)
     28         module
     29       (format stream "~A (~A)" (module-label module)
     30               (if state "on" "off")))))
     32 (defclass conjunction (module)
     33   ((states
     34     :initform (make-hash-table))))
     36 (defclass noop-module (module)
     37   ())
     39 (defmethod pulse ((module module) sender type)
     40   (with-slots (targets)
     41       module
     42     (loop for target in targets
     43           collect (list module target type))))
     45 (defmethod pulse ((module flip-flop) sender type)
     46   (with-slots (state)
     47       module
     48     (when (eq type :low)
     49       (setf state (not state))
     50       (call-next-method module sender (if state :high :low)))))
     52 (defmethod pulse ((module conjunction) sender type)
     53   (with-slots (states connected)
     54       module
     55     (setf (gethash sender states) type)
     56     (call-next-method module sender (if (loop for from in connected
     57                                               for mem = (gethash from states)
     58                                               always (eq mem :high))
     59                                         :low
     60                                         :high))))
     62 (defmethod pulse ((module noop-module) sender type))
     64 (defun parse-line (line)
     65   (let* ((pos-source-end (position #\Space line))
     66          (source-type (case (aref line 0)
     67                         (#\% 'flip-flop)
     68                         (#\& 'conjunction)
     69                         (t 'module)))
     70          (source-label (subseq line
     71                                (if (eq source-type 'module) 0 1)
     72                                pos-source-end))
     73          (target-labels (loop for pos from (+ pos-source-end 4) below (length line)
     74                               for end = (or (position #\, line :start pos)
     75                                             (length line))
     76                               collect (subseq line pos end)
     77                               do (setf pos (1+ end)))))
     78     (make-instance source-type :label source-label :targets target-labels)))
     80 (defun parse-input (input)
     81   (let ((modules (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
     82     (loop for line = (read-line input nil)
     83           while line
     84           for module = (parse-line line)
     85           do (setf (gethash (module-label module) modules) module))
     86     (loop for module being the hash-value of modules
     87           do (setf (module-targets module)
     88                    (loop for target-label in (module-targets module)
     89                          for target-module = (or (gethash target-label modules)
     90                                                  (setf (gethash target-label modules)
     91                                                        (make-instance 'noop-module
     92                                                                       :label target-label)))
     93                          do (push module (module-connected target-module))
     94                          collect target-module)))
     95     modules))
     97 (defun day-20 (input)
     98   (loop with modules = (parse-input input)
     99         with broadcast = (gethash "broadcaster" modules)
    100         with rx-source-modules = (when-let (rx (gethash "rx" modules))
    101                                    (module-connected (first (module-connected rx))))
    102         with rx-source-intervals = (make-hash-table)
    103         with task-1 = 0
    104         with task-2 = 0
    105         with low-count = 0
    106         with high-count = 0
    107         for i from 1
    108         do (loop with next = (list (list nil broadcast :low))
    109                  while next
    110                  for n = (loop for (from to type) in next
    111                                do (ecase type
    112                                     (:low (incf low-count))
    113                                     (:high (progn
    114                                              (when (and (member from rx-source-modules)
    115                                                         (not (gethash from rx-source-intervals)))
    116                                                (setf (gethash from rx-source-intervals) i))
    117                                              (incf high-count))))
    118                                nconc (pulse to from type))
    119                  do (setf next n))
    120         when (= i 1000)
    121           do (setf task-1 (* low-count high-count))
    122         when (= (hash-table-count rx-source-intervals) (length rx-source-modules))
    123           do (setf task-2 (apply #'lcm (hash-table-values rx-source-intervals)))
    124         when (if rx-source-modules (> task-2 0) (> task-1 0))
    125           do (return (values task-1 task-2))))